I would have never ever anticipated that this post series is re-surfacing on the blog. But here we are. Can you guess where this is going? Let’s talk about the Corona Diaries three years and eight months in.
But first things first .
The current situation
Infektion numbers in Germany are rising with fall being in full blast. Kids are back in school and people are getting back from fall vacation in warmer countries.
Almost no one is wearing a mask in public. Life is continuing like it has before Covid hit in spring 2020. Only economical changes have been staying with us. You can see that on one simple thing. Restaurants here usually are not open every day. A lot of restaurants are 2-4 days closed. Many only open for the night. Some take long lunch breaks.
We have been not wearing a mask anymore either. The husband is still testing most days he goes into the office. Everyone in his agency stays at home when the slightest symptom of flue or covid emerges. I myself don’t really need to test as I am only working at home and rarely meet people besides grocery shopping.
I had a couple of check-ups at a new doctor’s office earlier in October and asked if I could get flue and covid shot. Flu was no issue and Covid he was at first a bit hesitant. It is not recommended for people under 60 without being a risk patient. When I told them the husband was a risk patient I did get my shot October 9th.
A gift from vacation
After three years the husband and I decided that we would take a vacation outside of Germany again and spend a week in Mallorca (recap to come). During our flight home we had a bad feeling. The entire airport was full of stupid loud drunken people. And in the plane itself it seemed like everyone was sniffling and coughing. I didnt have a mask with me and pulled my scarf up. I felt a bit uncomfortable. The husband said he had masks but we had already spend 30 min in the plane so we figured it is too late anyways. Was it though?
Earlier this week the husband started to feel cold, mean muscle sores and was constantly shivering Wednesday night. So Thursday he decided to stay home as a precaution. Test Tuesday to Thursday have been negative. Well and while I was at the doctors for a feedback meeting regarding my blood sample I get this image send from hubby:

So I guess here it is. I am proud we managed to stay away from Covid for 3 years and eight months. I wouldn’t have mind passing it all together though.
How is the mood?
For now it is chilled. The husband is felling okayish. But I guess it is only the first day. I was pondering trying to isolate but we’ve been sharing one bed for the past five days and I was in the same flight so I figured if I get it or probably already have it. If not I am for sure immune or can resist it. With my booster (only my third as I skipped last year due to time issues) I should be ok. Too naive?
This weekend will be chill. Let’s hope it doesn’t get me and the husband will be feeling better soon with just mild symptoms.
And so ends today’s Corona Diaries – Three Years + Eight Months. Let’s hope this. is the last of this series.
Any of my readers managed to not get Covid yet? Are you still wearing a mask in crowded places? Is it over for you and you are done reading about it? Any hot tips how I steer clear without isolating in my own room?
Oh no, Tobia. I am so sorry. I know you were so careful and I am glad you were able to avoid Covid for a very long time. Maybe you get lucky and didn’t catch it. And I hope that it will be a mild case for E. Hope he’ll be on the mend soon. I am glad you were able to get your booster.
We got ours a few weeks ago and I am still taking Covid very seriously. We had stopped wearing masks over the summer but I have started wearing them at the grocery store and when we travel again. It does offer some protection.
Thank you San. In hindsight we should have worn them on the plane. We suspected but felt weird amid everyone without one. Fingers crossed it will pass me by and the husband doesn’t get more symptoms. But today he is really sick.
Oh no, I’m so sorry.
So far I’m the only one to test positive (a year ago – so October 2022), but my husband lost his sense of smell for a month…so I’m assuming he did have it and the tests were just coming back negative.
Wishing a speedy recovery for your husband.
Thank you so much. I am glad only you’ve got even though sounds like your husband may have too.
Let’s hope it’s over quickly.
I’ve heard that your viral load has to be at a certain level before the antigen tests can pick it up, which might explain Elisabeth’s husband not testing positive.
We had it in March. My husband works in an office and I’m sure he caught it there. He tried to isolate from us, but we live in a small townhouse and there is no room. He wore his mask and slept on the couch until I came down with it. Blah.
We are more relaxed than we were, but I still wear a mask at the grocery store, and on flights, and I make sure I have one with me everywhere in case I feel weird (too many drunk people, etc.) We all got our boosters this week, hopefully if we get it again, they will keep us from getting too sick.
I hope your husband feels better soon, and that you don’t get it. And if you do get it, that it’s a mild case.
Thank you so much. I really don’t know why we didn’t put on the mask. I guess we just gotten too carefree. At least it took us three years to catch it. I will be testing latest on Monday to see if I got infected too. I am sneezing a bore today. The husband feels better than last night so fingers crossed. I will definitely put a mask in my purse from now on.
So sorry to hear this. Hopefully you will be lucky and not get it and a quick recovery for E. We just spent 30 hours on four different flights and five airports. We wore masks, except when eating, but there was hardly anyone else wearing one. I hadn’t been wearing one at home but I really want to do what I can to avoid getting sick while we’re away. We’ve been keeping a mask in our bags and using them in museums etc that are crowded.
Wow 30 hours in transit is tough. But you definitely don’t want to get sick. It’s a a smart move with the mask I wished we’d done it but I guess it’s a mild case for the husband and till now I haven’t gotten any symptoms so fingers crossed
Ugh, I’m sorry, Tobia! It feels like such a trick to escape it for 3 years and then to get it now. I got Covid in 2021 after being on a flight but have been lucky enough to be Covid-free since then. I don’t mask up anymore, but have started to see more people around me in grocery stores in masks.
Yes it’s a bit ironic to get it now for the first time but it fortunately seemed to have passed me and the husband is negative after just one week. So very blessed after all.
Happy to hear you’ve been dodging it since 2021.
Ugh! I’m never getting on public transit without a mask ever again! I have learned my lesson from this story. I hope you and your husband both bounce back quickly.
I have not ever tested positive for COVID and neither has my husband. We’re not particularly careful these days, though, so I imagine it’s only a matter of time.
That is what we figured. It’s gonna happen. I kind of know we would get it after the vacation but honestly even after three years the naivety that we really did get it hit me. Luckily as of now I haven’t tested positive and the husbands test is almost negative again. He will probably be off to the office tomorrow it is negative. So we were lucky as it was only a short episode.