A while back Stephany had a post telling us about her comings and goings throughout a week. She first saw that format at Diane’s. I was intrigued and figured I could do one of those posts too. So join me on a very atypical and busy week and where I went in Berlin.
Monday June 10th
10:35 am home → train station to drop of the husband for a business meeting
by car | ⏲ 18 minutes | 6.1 ㎞
10:54 am train station → Rewe (grocery store)
by car | ⏲ 16 minutes | 5,5 ㎞
11:21 am Rewe (grocery store) → home
by car | ⏲ 3 minutes | 1 ㎞
6:54 pm home → train station to pick up of the husband
by car | ⏲ 19 minutes | 6.1 ㎞
7:13 pm train station → Rossmann (drugstore)
by car | ⏲ 8 minutes | 3.6 ㎞
7:31 pm Rossmann (drug store) → home
by car | ⏲ 10 minutes | 2.9 ㎞
Tuesday June 11th
8:45 am home → bus stop
by foot | ⏲ 6 minutes | 0.65 ㎞
8:56 am bus stop→business meeting with hospital client→ arrival 9:07 am bus stop →departure bus stop 9:23 am
by public transport | ⏲ 50 minutes | 15 ㎞
3:40 pm hospital →bus stop
By foot | ⏲ 5 minutes | 0.5 ㎞
3:45 pm hospital →home → arrival 4:13 pm bus stop →departure bus stop 4:15 pm
public transport | ⏲ 42 minutes | 15 ㎞
4:27 pm bus stop → home
by foot | ⏲ 6 minutes | 0.65 ㎞

4:59 pm home → church
by bike | ⏲ 12 minutes | 2.25 ㎞
5:52 pm church → home the scenic route along the river
by bike | ⏲ 19 minutes | 3.77 ㎞
Wednesday June 12th
6:32 pm home → woods →home
by foot | ⏲ 72 minutes | 4.7 ㎞

Thursday June 13th
9:35 am home → church
by bike | ⏲ 10 minutes | 2.3 ㎞
12:35 pm church → grocery store →home
by bike | ⏲ 18 minutes | 2.48 ㎞

Friday June 14th
6:32 pm home → theater
by public transport and foot | ⏲ 76 minutes | 25 ㎞
11:21 pm theater → home
public transport and foot| ⏲ 80 minutes | 25 ㎞

Saturday June 15th
3:30 pm Home→ train station →Rewe grocery store
by car | ⏲ 32 minutes | 11.6 ㎞
4:31 pm Rewe grocery store →home
by car | ⏲ 4 minutes | 1 ㎞
Sunday June 16th
I was planning on going to church today but opted to listen to the wind in the trees, lots of blog reading and a long yoga session. I don’t regret it. But I have a picture from church for you anyways.

As I said this week was very atypical for me as I was out and about every single day. I may also admit that on Wednesday I may have been motivated to do the walk because I was logging it down. otherwise I might have just sat on the couch. It was a good decision to spend it outdoors instead.
Here are a few fun stats to wrap it up
- Total time in transit: 509 minutes | 8 hours and 26 minutes
- time in car: 110 minutes
- time spend on public transport: 248 minutes which is 4 hours and 8 minutes. wow…
- time on bike: 59 minutes
- time on foot: 89 minutes
- Total distance traveled: 141.6 km
- by car: 37.8 km
- by public transport: 80 km
- by bike: 10.8 km
- by foot: 13 km
- Money spend on public transport: 10,80 €
- Total number of places visited: 7
- number of times I stopped at the grocery store: 3
- number of times I was at church: 2
Just to be clear I usually don’t go to church that often. I rarely manage to visit a service every month. I do volunteer on the website relaunch and this week I was doing two shootings for pictures so that is why I was there on Tuesday and Thursdays. I also rarely go to the grocery store more than once a week. Usually the husband picks things up or I have it delivered. This week though was busy not only for me but the husband so he never managed to be home before the grocery store closed.
I am very surprised that I spend an entire workday in transit. So much wasted time to get from A to B. But I did listen to audiobooks, podcasts and read my book so not really a waste of time. But still.
Ok, your turn: Where do you spend your time at most – car, bike, foot? How many places do you need to go in a week? What was surprising for you in my schedule?
This was fascinating! What a beautiful church (at least the exterior).
I’d say I spend about equal time between walking on foot and driving? We walk our kids to school most mornings and generally do at least 4-5 “exercise” walks throughout the week.
I like the outside of the church too. The inside is ok. We are spoiled in Europe with stone churches and high ceilings and fascinating exteriors. This church is more like big hall. It is ok though but nothing special.
I was really surprised that I didn’t spend more time last week walking or biking. I usually never use the car and then twice in a week.
I definitely spend most time on foot. I probably spend less than 30 min in a car each weekday, but I spend at least 60 min just walking the dog each day! I like framing it that way. I am prioritizing being out, but not in my car!
60 minutes outside sounds much better than 30 minutes in the car. Good for you.
It sounds like you use public transport a lot. I rarely use it unless I am going to San Francisco. I walk in the morning almost every day, just for exercise, and I drive to the grocery store most week days on my lunch hour. I used to ride my bike, but it’s a really heavy bike. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and having my hands on the handles is hard on my wrists. I don’t know, if I had a lighter bike, if I would get back to that habit or not. But it takes a lot of time, so doesn’t really work on my lunch hour anyway. That’s a lot of blah blah blah, sorry.
No it’s not blabla. I find it interesting. I should be going out daily for a walk. I am trying but not sure why it’s so hard for me. I am sorry your Rheumatoid Arthritis is keeping you from using the bike. Not sure if a lighter bike would have much effect on your wrist. A different shaped handlebar might be more effective… I don’t know just a thought.
That was so interesting. We rarely think about where we are going during the week and how much time it takes us, but writing it down like this is really eye-opening. It’s so cool that you’re able to use public transit so much… well, I am not surprised, you live in a big city and it’s Germany.
I probably spent most of my time running/walking. I don’t drive much during the week (usually just to the grocery stores on Fridays) and then I also ride my bike to work once a week.
I was definitely surprised how much time I was in transit. It was an unusual week for me but still. I am very happy to have the option of public transport even though it takes more time for certain rides.
I would have guessed you are on you feet most.
I’m so happy you did this exercise, too! It’s a fun way to look back on the week and see where we go. I spend most of my time in the car – I don’t like in a walkable area of my city and our public transportation isn’t great, so I’m always traveling by car!
I am very fortunate that public transport is an option