It’s about time to make a little list to sent to Santa Clause, right? I usually have a tough time telling people what I wish for when asked.
I love getting books. In my family it was common to get at least one book. In the last couple years however I missed my books. So maybe I have to conciously but them back on the list to get some. Because who can have enough books, right?!
The following lists are all books I own and like (click on the headlines). Maybe an inspiration if you need to be Santa Clause. So lets get started:
1. Der große humboldt Fotolehrgang
I have been looking for a while before I actually decided on this photo course book. And I still believe it is one of the best out there. This book focuses on the technical equipment and the workings of light, aperture, focus and speed rather then the artistic design and com positioning rules. I prepared with this book to take the wedding pictures of my sister and I hear no complains. I especially like that there is a whole chapter of exercises you can take to practice all the different options and get to know your camera.
2. Schmuckgestaltung heute – innovative Materialien und Techniken
This book is my discovery of the recent years. I found it when I signed up for the library after oh so many years. It’s a book talking about all the different materials and techniques of jewelry design. It’s not a real DIY book with step-by-step instructions. While they show the technique on one example its more an inspiration book. I love it because my mind starts going off with ideas. There is a sequel about” textile jewelry design” but I heard it’s not that great. Does anyone woe it?
3. Fang an mit Kork – 35 Einfache DIY-Projekte **
Now this is the third book by my blogging friends Jutta and Maike. And as the first two “Fotowohnsinn” and “Porzellanfieber” it’s another firework of DIY ideas. I specially like that first of all the materials are introduced. Did you know that there is cork fabric? Or cork paper? Now this opens up so many possibilities. The good thing is they have tested it all and give instructions on how to use which material and when. I like that.
My favorite project is probably the belt made of cork fabric with punched stars. But I also like the different boxes and baskets made of cork paper. It makes simple origami so much more sophisticated. And the star tea lights make such warm light I think I need to make some for Christmas. Well you see, lots to discover in this book.
4. P.S. – I made this… Ich mach das selbst
This book is the first blogger book I owned. Erica is blogging on PS. I made this… and I think this is her first book. After she explains the tools (she colored them all gold! it looks so cool) she shows projects for jewelry, accessories and fashion. Every project has six pages, one introduction page, one page with a mood board and then 2-4 pages for instructions. In the end there is a link list for further reference and shopping. I like this inspiration book and for DIY beginners it’s a good start because of the step by step tutorials.
5. Tolle Taschen selbst genäht
This is a book I have probably used most. I think I’ve done 3 or 4 bags. And while I don’t like them all it’s a great way to sew together because most likely everyone will find a pattern. I had a craft afternoon with my godchild and we both made new ones and spent a great day together. I also like that there are a number of accessories and embellishments as well as instructions on how to turn plastic bags into fabric to sew with.
6. Schnittkonstruktion in der Mode – Band 1 Grundschnitt
Another really great basic book. I have taken two courses on pattern design and this was the basis for the course. I believe you can learn pattern design just by this book. While I haven’t done an entire pattern based on my measurements (lazy anyone?!) I have a much better understanding of how to alter things or see in if a bought pattern would fit. I say it’s definitely a win.
7. Natürlich schick gestickt – Deko, Accessoires und mehr
Finding this book in the list is actually funny because I wouldn’t say I am big on stitching. However this book shows some fun projects. Most of all I like that in the beginning of the book you have a section where materials and stitches you need to use are explained. Every project comes with a little stencil so you can get going right away. Some projects are are easy (notebooks with stitched arrows) while others leave me totally awestruck (tiger on a sweater). One of my advent calendar ideas was inspired by this book.
8. Ein Guter Plan
What discovery this one is. And an adventure…
As always I was looking for a planner. Usually I get my moleskin one and I am happy. But lately I was thinking about starting a happiness diary for 2016. But then two books to carry… And of course blog planning, right? So when I came across this planner my heart took a beat. At first glance it seemed like a combination of all and then stories and articles about happiness and mindfulness and such. And it was a crowd funding project. Nothing I’ve ever done before. When they added a black version I jumped and secured me my very own. You can get yours until December 7, 2015 and they ship before Christmas. Yeahh!
9. Die Kunst, aufzuräumen
This is just one book of a series. I like the idea and I love how he takes simple everyday pictures or well known art pieces and “cleans them up”. It opens a whole new perspective on things. This is just an eye candy book for the end.
10. Persönlicher Kalender & a chance to win your own
First time I heard about “Persönliche Kalender” was in 2013. I loved the concept of getting your own personalized calendar. Back then it seemed a first.
I got mine in 2014 I. The materials and paper are great. I personally thought the design on the pages was a bit childish. I would have loved to be able to change colors in the modules. Since then the calendars have evolved and there are lots of fun covers if you don’t want to upload your own picture. There are continuously being new modules added and the possibilities are so much broader than two years ago. They now even offer wall planners.
Every year they cooperate with an artist who is then designing covers. This year it’s Sofie from Fia Lotta Jansson – a lettering artist. Just in October I had the chance to meet Paula and her team at a lettering workshop with Sofie here in a Berlin. Of course we were working with their notebooks. And I really really love them. The paper is great for lettering. And you can choose between a bunch of page designs like ruled, squared and square dotted or even sheets of music. The dotted is perfect for practicing lettering. And they also offer gadgets like pens, and rulers and such to go with your planner.
The Give-Away
And the greatest thing is: I have a little gift for you! Leave a comment about your favorite DIY or creative book and have a chance of winning a 33,90€ voucher to get your own calendar or notebook. Now that’s something, right? And the best thing is: they ship worldwide! The winner will be drawn December 18 at 9pm and will be announced on instagram first so make sure to follow me there. And if you don’t want to wait that long or need to get a present beforehand use the code: L-ETTE-RING and save 10%.
Now please share your recommendations on fun and educating DIY books so I can add some to my list.
Happy gift shopping,
*This post contains affiliate links when you click the headlines. If you buy a book through this link I get a few cents and can get another great book myself. So thank you!
**This book has been sent to me for a review by the Landwirtschaftsverlag. The enthusiasm is all mine.
Oh wie schön, dass wir dabei sind! Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
Jutta von Kreativfieber recently posted…Weihnachtsliches Contessa Orangen Dessert mit Baiser
Na aber klar doch!
Die Kunst aufzuräumen würde mich ja interessieren, leider funktioniert der Link nicht! :-(
LG Biggi
Biggi recently posted…DIY-Blogger-Adventskalender am Freutag
Die Kunst aufzuräumen liebe ich auch sehr…Ansonsten lese ich gerade Nählust statt Shoppingfrust von meiner Freundin Meike
Lg Merle
Wie schön :)
“P.s. I made this” finde ich toll. Den Blog verfolge ich auch regelmäßig. So viel Kreativität… <3
Ganz liebe Grüße,
Filiz recently posted…Besinnliche Weihnachtszeit…
Den Blog verfolge ich gar nicht regelmäßig aber den Instagramaccount. Aber danke fürs erinnern, ich schau da mal wieder vorbei.
Hallo meine liebe Tobia,
ich liebe deinen Blog! Du inspirierst und motivierst und ich schau mir sehr viel von dir ab :)
Wenn ich nicht gerade auf deinem Blog bin, schau ich mir auch vom Buch Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott sehr viel ab!
Mach weiter so und tolle Chance den Kalender zu gewinnen!
Liebe Grüße