I am not really sure how I came up with the idea of answering all 50 of these question but it did make it onto my bucket list. I have answered the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh batch of these questions. High time to chip away and answer the next couple ones… Only a few more until I am done. Bear with me.
36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
I kinda wish it would be this simple but I fear it is not. So many grey zones where things seem evil or good and they turn out to not be what they seem like. Sometimes making a decision seems like the right thing, the best, the good one only to discover it really wasn’t. But we can only base our decisions on what we know in that moment. I think some things are easy to identify as evil. Killing someone. Evil. Being discriminating. Evil. Being kind. Good. You get the idea.
37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
Nope. A million dollars are not enough to really quit. The husband has done the math. I trust him. However if you invest it, it will help later on and you can retire earlier. I kinda like my job. I may be a bit more picky on which clients I would sign. I may reduce the hours I work. I may venture out and try new things. But I do not think I would quit entirely.
38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
I am ambivalent here to be honest. I wouldn’t mind working less hours when the payment can compensate it. I would know how to fill my days with reading, crafting, blogging, exercising, meeting friends for coffee and such. However, I can also work long ours if a project is really exciting, I can learn something new, I get to see places I haven’t seen. So I guess it really does depend.
39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?
Kinda of. But I really don’t mind. I like the days where I wake up when I wake up. Read in bed until I feel like my back starts to hurt only to brew myself a can of coffee and sipping that while continuing to read my book or blog posts. Throw in a leisurely breakfast with a movie followed by some more reading and blogging and some crafty things. This is one of my dream days and I love that I have had it before and hope I will have many more.
40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
Recently when I decided to attempt the arctic expedition in 2026. I am telling everyone who will listen I am doing it but have no plan or idea what it requires and how I physically prepare. So definitely very much in the dark. But I will get there. And I am excited. I have started to do a bit research. And I will share more when I have somewhat of a glow in the dark.
Short and sweet answers today.
Is there one of these questions you could easily answer in one sentences? Is there an answer you would disagree? Or maybe absolutely agree to?
This post is the second of the series to answer all 50 questions. A thing on my 100 things in 1000 days bucket list.
If I had a million dollars, I would not quit my job, but the bathroom remodel would be done, the house would get new siding, I’d pay someone to landscape the front yard, and I’d buy a new wardrobe. I have plans for that money.
Looks like you had put some thought into it.
I would do some traveling. Maybe more boat rental days. Stuff like that. Maybe a little vespa to get places quicker.
Like Engie, I have plans for that money as well. We would have a bathroom remodel, new flooring, the interior of the house would be painted. Or, maybe we would sell the house and try to get something a little bigger. We saw a 3 bedroom townhouse (it shares a wall with another unit, no yard or property, similar to where we are now but a little bigger and a little newer) for almost a million dollars plus it had a $650 a month homeowners assessment, so our area is ridiculous. I would book a trip for sure. Probably 2 new cars, as ours are 18 and 20 years old. Retirement? No, sadly, but I would be less stressed about the concept of retiring when the time comes.
These questions really are thought provoking, aren’t they? If you’re ever for loss of conversation at a dinner party, you could write them out on a strip of paper, put them in a bowl, and people could choose a question, then everyone discuss that question until everyone has said what they want, then pull another question.
I think your husband is right – a millions dollars is not enough these days. Which is kind of sad, but true. I wouldn’t quit my job at any rate, because I love my job. But I would worry less about being able to pay for my kids to go to college.
I think about 38. a lot, or something similar. I think I actually work the perfect amount for me right now. I work 20-40 weeks a year, but those weeks are often 60 hour weeks. It’s probably not the perfect amount of work for my bank account, but it’s the perfect amount for my mental well being. I would be happy to work more, but then I would have to sacrifice things at home and personal time.
“marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?” I LOVE this phase so so so much. I don’t know that I’ve ever done this, but I’m inspired by the idea now. I am SO excited about your Arctic expedition.
Oh that expedition seems like a fun thing to do! I would love something like that. It sounds like it will be so rewarding, not just the expedition itself but the preparing for it will probably be hard but sometimes those challenges make us stronger people in the long run!
If I had a million dollars I would quit my job. :) Actually I would probably invest it for now and maybe later I could buy a small mountain cabin somewhere, where I could watch the sun rise over the mountains from my tiny porch.
I am definitely in over my head for that expedition but it’s out now so I better push through. After my vacation I will need to sit down and create an action plan.
If you are interested there are still spots available. I know more in May. Maybe I can tell you all about it in Riga. We’ll see.
Great questions! My first response to “If you won a million dollars, would you quit your job?” was HELL YES. But then I read your answer, and the comments here, and realize that would be stupid. So, no- I would continue working, invest a good chunk of the money and use some of it to make life more comfortable (like do some work on the house, etc.). Seems like we all have plans for that money!
I agree with your answer to the good/evil question. While there are a few absolutes, most things have a gray area.
Making life more comfortable is such an underrated goal. What does it help having all the money when you can’t enjoy it anymore. I am more on the saving site and not spending too much but we don’t have kids so I could as well be a bit more generous. I can learn something from you.
I would spend it on traveling adventures. Or maybe buy a small apartment for when we are old and retired that will make money until then through renting.
Your husband is right about the million dollars. If you were closer to retirement anyway, that equation would change. I don’t need to work financially so I would keep doing what I’m doing. I’m so excited for you and your Arctic expedition.
Yes, totally different when being older. For now retirement is far far away. Unless I do win the million and do some good investment it’s at least coming closer.
I am excited with my decision on the attic expedition but have to admit I may be in over my head now that I have told everyone about it.
Just 10 more questions to go?! Wow, great work. I think these are all great questions to ponder, but also hard.
Definitely harder than k thought when starting this. I maybe be looking forward being done. Ha. But yes, expect a post in March and May.
Eh, I’d still quit my job if I won a million dollars. I like that it would give me the option to seek out something that I like more and let me have a little sabbatical from work for a while. I wouldn’t quit working forever, but being able to take 3-6 months off from the rat race AND spend time pursuing a job that suits me better would be ideal.
I feel you. Getting out and getting some distance to refocus is such a good thing but it needs to be financially possible. It’s like a reset.
I wonder what other job you are thinking of that might suit you better.
Puh, die kann ich alle nicht in einem Satz beantworten! Aber im Kopf habe ich gerade schon komplett die Millionen ausgegeben und schön über meine tausend kleinen Projekte verteilt. Also muss ich Frage 37 wohl einfach mit “Nein” beantworten ;)
Haha sehr gut. Viele tausend Ideen klingt schön. Aber ja, dann musst do wohl noch ein wenig weiterarbeiten. Aber lieber Ideen und wissen wofür du die Millionen ausgeben würdest als keine Träume zu haben.
I would absolutely NOT quit! Education is my life, teaching is my calling, and although there are sometimes issues, nothing that cannot be resolved. Would I would do is invest it, and draw from the interest to fund all the adventures we can take ;) But I would absolutely keep working.
It’s so great to hear that you have found you calling. That is so wonderful.
Investing and taking adventures from interest would be the best.