Hey remember last year when I quickly mentioned those beauty samples? I was quite good in using up some of them. However I am not so big in wearing make-up. I always feel like a porcelain doll when wearing it. Every once in a while I give it a try but in the end I end up wiping it down before leaving the house. However I still collect all the sample falling off of those girls magazines.
So what to do? I figured before buying one of those bb creams or colored day creams (those I actually use for special occasions) I could just give it a try and mix my samples together.
The how-to is simple: empty all make-up samples in an empty container, mix in some moisturizing cream, stir well with a toothpick and tada… your are done!
I’ve used it once. It is still a bit heavy on the make-up part and I think I add a bit more moistening cream but over all this is a good way for me to
a) use those samples
b) have a make-up-day-cream at hand
c) saving money
d) not wasting but recycling
Now dermatologists might add that you can’t just mix stuff together. Well I can. I do have a sensitive skin but no problem yet. If I might, I go back to store bought stuff or I run out anyway…
What have you been recycling lately? Let me know I am always on a look out.
More recycle quick tips here:
Recycle Quick Tip #5: homemade vanilla sugar
Recycle Quick Tip #4: baking supply present
Recycle Quick Tip #3: masking tape organizer
Recycle Quick Tip #2: transportable cake dish
Recycle Quick Tip #1: toilet paper gift box
Super Idee! Ich lass mir schon gar keine Proben mehr mitgeben, weil ich sie eh nie benutze, aber damit könnte ich vielleicht mal die alten loswerden falls ich noch irgendwo welche hab (die dann nicht gleich 5 Jahre alt sind ;) )
Ja mach mal, wegschmeißen kannst du’s ja sonst immer noch… und so versucht man sie wenigsten zu verbrauchen.