Hello my dear ones!
I am back. I am back in real life, woke up from my personal fairy tale and I am back as a wife (now that does sound old and dusty…). Anyway I have a bit of a hard time adjusting and embracing the everyday and work life and all that. I know you are super excited to see some wedding pictures. Let’s start off with something simple. A quick DIY.
When planning my wedding I had big plans on what do DIY and what I wanted and on the other hand I really didn’t have a clue. Well for my hair I always knew it needs to be an up-do. However I wasn’t sure about the accessory. I was secretly wishing for a tiara but everyone kept telling me it’s cheesy and if I wanna be a princess and stuff. So I settled on a sparking simple hair comb I wanted to DIY. I got the supplies in January but didn’t do anything by mid/end of January. Being at my tailor for one of the final dress fittings we came to talk about accessories and she told me I could order some with her. So we looked into the catalogue and there it was. My dream hair thingy. So I figured why stress, just order. And while I was at it I figured: You only get married once whats the greed? Get a tiara as well and decide on your wedding day what to wear. Oh I was so happy with that decision.
But then on my last dress fitting about 10 days before the big day I learned that my order was undeliverable. Wedding accessories are only available starting in March. Hello? What about the winter bride? I know the wedding seasons high peak is in summer but really what is that? I was able to talk my tailor into giving me some sparkling ribbon thing and I got to do my DIY in the end. Here it is my sparkling hair accessory for a winter bride or any other sparkling occasion:
You don’t need many supplies (1). Cut two rows of ribbon the length of the comb (3). BUT add two more rhinestones to the length. This will give you a better edge finish (4,5). Then you basically you just glue everything on the comb. I started with the bottom line of sparkles and then added the top row. This way you can angle the top row a bit so it looks neater.
It is very simple isn’t it? And while I was at it I figured: why not make one for my dear readers.
So here it is – my very first Give-Away. Leave a comment and let me know what you would love to read on my blog, what you miss or why you come by. I am so curious.
I will pick a lucky winner on March 16th. Good luck to you.
Cheers, Tobia
Oh! And you probably wanna see how I ended up wearing it, huh? Well here we go:
Last photo taken by Anja Schneemann
Entered for the Creadienstag Roundup
Also ich heirate zwar (noch) nicht, aber ich würde trotzdem gerne mitmachen :)
Ich finde, dass der Kamm auch zu anderen besonderen Anlässen entsprechend kombiniert werden kann. Wunderwunderschön ist er!
Ich liebe deine Hochsteckfrisur, sieht sehr edel aus, ohne “gezwungen” zu wirken. Mit einer schönen Leichtigkeit… Toll! Ich bin schon ganz gespannt auf die weiteren Fotos :)
Was mag ich an deinem Blog? Ganz klar, dass er einfach authentisch ist! Vor allem deine DIYs… Und dass wir so oft die gleichen Ideen haben :D Einfach toll!
Ich wünsche dir eine wunderbare Rest-Woche…
Liebe Grüße,
Was für eine hübsche Idee :) Ich habe zwar den “Luxus”, eine Sommerbraut zu sein, aber es muss ja gar nicht immer was Gekauftes sein, wie man an deinem Haar-Kamm sehr schön sieht. Eine Tiara fände ich zwar auch toll, aber es stimmt schon, das sieht schnell einfach too much aus und so eine eher unauffälliges, kleines Detail finde ich viel raffinierter :)
Liebe Grüße am 2. Blogger-Kommentier-Tag
Liebe Nathalie,
und dass schöne ist, man kann es auch später noch verwenden z.B. Silvester ;-)
Liebe Grüße, Tobia
Hübsch, aber ich habe mir den Kamm größer vorgestellt :-)
Evy recently posted…Mutig auf die Bühne – Evy auf der BühneFrei im Oktober
Och der war eigentlich ganz passend. Ich hatte noch einen größeren aber der war dann zu sperrig.