It has been a while since I invited you to a virtual coffee date. Exactly two years actually. And since the frenzy of November blogging it has been quiet here. As you have probably figured out I needed a break. Or rather catch up with things that didn’t get done in November due to all the blogging and blog reading. But I miss you and let’s have a virtual coffee date and I share a few things with you that are currently on my mind.
If you and I had coffee…
… I would tell you that I have no more client work to do for the rest of the year. I told of my clients – very much in advance – that as of December 15th I will not be reachable anymore. Some people actually teased me about it because I mentioned it “so many times” (I mentioned it twice…) but I really learned the hard way to manage expectations and set boundaries. Sure I could check mails quickly, like or comment on social media in-between but then I am all sucked into the rabbit hole. So I was done. I thank my former self for being so genius to take off from Thursday. Which gave me two more days in the week to catch up on admin stuff for my business. I managed to have a little strategy day with myself on Thursday and just the freed up morning had my creative juices flowing. I was inspired because I was not on a deadline but just being curious. I need more of that in the coming year. This is why Freelance. It felt good. I have one task I need to get done before Christmas which takes about two hours. But that is ok. I prioritized getting my Christmas gifts send to my sister over business stuff.
If you and I had coffee…
… I would have to admit that I may have – again – too many plans. So many ideas and projects I want to do before Christmas, in-between the years that I am already stressed about what I am not able to do. One thing being the blog relaunch. As you may remember I had asked a couple questions about it during the NaBloPoMo and nine people shared their opinion. But I don’t think I will manage to start that before Christmas. I need sometime away from the computer. I need some time to reflect. I need some time to spend with the husband watching Christmas movies.I need to spend some time with family. And I need to be outdoor more. So the blog thing falls to the wayside. But who knows maybe tomorrow I wake up and feel like doing it. Anyways, this is my heads up that the blog will look a bit messy in the next weeks. I won’t stress myself to do it all in one or two days. I will chip away at it when I find time. I let you know when I think I am done and then I would appreciate you pointing out all the little bugs and inconstancies.
If you and I had coffee…
… I would share that I had a wonderful craft session with my niece and nephew through zoom.It has become tradition by now I guess. It all started in 2020 when everything being up in the air. My sister and my BIL both being pastors the lockdown changes made two days before Christmas had them in a frenzy. Being 500 kilometers away I wasn’t able to stop by to babysit so I did the next best thing and did a craft session online so the y could get some organizing and phone calls done. And since then I have invited for a craft session every year. This time around we crafted little Christmas trees with wool. Previously we had made paper bag stars and paper snowflakes. I really enjoy those hours and I am hoping they will be something they both remember from childhood.

If you and I had coffee…
… I let you know that I have not decorated anything for Christmas this year. It is very very unlikely but I just don’t feel like it. I have organized my boxes right on the before December but now they are sitting here waiting to be unpacked again. It just seems too much effort for one reason. Or maybe it is because we live in a new home and I have ne routine yet. I have no idea where to put what. I know it is silly but I am a bit overwhelmed. I know I will finally do something. At least I need to get the Christmas tree and put it up a day earlier this year on December 22nd since we are leaving for the country home to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family.
If you and I had coffee…
… I would be drinking out of my new mug I have received in this years Secret Santa Mug Swap that San organized. My Secret Santa Tanja has really picked the perfect mug for me as it says “Winterduft” which means winter scent. I that surely hits home. The rest of the package was also love and the not too. It is such a great thing to get a random something from people around the internet.

If you and I had coffee…
… I would admit that I am deep into the Christmas movie binging. I try to watch as many movies as possible and I am doing pretty good. The husband is a good sport and has by now understood that in the month of December we won’t watch anything else. But this year I have also embraced the Christmas books and audiobooks. It feels great to fly through them. And just like that my reading goal I. set for the year is actually within grabs. I think I will manage to read the last four. three I am currently reading already. Not that it is all about the numbers and I was fine with meeting my goal but now I am excited.
If you and I had coffee…
… I would let you know that we had wonderful winter weather here already. More snow than all of last winter combined. Freezing temperatures so much too that the lake/river arm outside my window is frozen over. We have had snow dusted and ice crusted trees. Unfortunately right at the beginning of the Christmas week temperatures will rise 20°C from -9°C to 11°C. Of course it will rain too. I really wished it would stay cold. Will you have a white Christmas where you are?
So lovely for you to join me on this virtual coffee date. What would you tell me if we would meet for coffee?
Happy Monday
What a fun post. I LOVE your new mug. I think the Secret Santa Mug Exchange is so fun.
We’ve had a lot of illness with the kids, so December is flying by in a weird haze. But we’re trying to fit in festive activities as we’re able. Tonight my best friend came over to watch White Christmas with me. It’s one of my absolute favourite traditions, and it was snowing when she arrived, so it felt very fitting with what movie we were watching.
I’m not feeling ready for Christmas. With a child literally unwell every single day in December…I feel rundown and ready for another month to savour the season? BUT, maybe it will also force me to slow down, take some naps and relax a bit more.
Elisabeth recently posted…Remembering That Christmas Can Be the Hardest Season Of All
The Secret Santa really is so much fun. Were you able to participate too?
I am sorry you have so many ill kids at home. I hear it from all my friends no matter where: everyone with kids is suck this season. So sorry. Hope you get the chance to relaxe a bit now and enjoy the holidays. I need to check out White Christmas. I may have seen it but I am not sure. Titles are always different here in Germany even though the often are English it is not the original one – for whatever reason…
I love these coffee date posts! Maybe I should do one, too to get back in the groove after November was over. I feel like I dropped the ball on the blog writing this month and am not happy about it. But then again, I jsut had covid and after going back to work I am still so tired when I get home that by the time the kids are in bed and the kitchen is cleaned up I am done for the day.
I think the zoom craft session is a lovely idea. I am not sure my nieces would enjoy it but maybe I should ask them.
Being stuck at home by melself for a whole week getting the Christmas decorations out and up is the one thing I managed but doing this after a move is a little daunting. Just do what feels good to you :)
Lastly I would tell you that I also enjoyed getting my Secret Santa delivery. That was a great pick=me-up that day.
Meike recently posted…What I do for work
Yes, November sucked me a bit dry when it comes to December. I had big plans but then decided I needed to focus on other things. I am glad I am not alone and I am sure we are getting back to our own pace.
I am sorry you suffered from Covid. Hope all is well now and you feel better.
In the end the husband did the decorating and I did the tree. That was a good way to share the work. I fear I will be the one taking it all down though…
I love that mug! It’s perfect for you- what a thoughtful gift.
I hope you had a lovely Christmas! I’ll be interested to hear if you got any decorations up. You were definitely in the Christmas spirit though with all your movie watching and crafts (those Christmas trees are so cute! I’m sure your niece and nephew enjoyed that.
Enjoy your week “in between the years!”
Jenny recently posted…Weekly Rundown- a Christmas Miracle!
Merry Christmas to you too. Yea I did get the tree up and the husband decorated the house.
Now we just came home from
Family Christmas and going to enjoy the next days on our own.
I love that you set a boundary of finishing up client work by Dec. 15th to give yourself two full weeks off work at the end of the year. I would love to take those two weeks off, too, but alas, it’s not in the cards for me. I do love taking the week between Christmas and New Year’s off, though. That’s always a treat!
Stephany recently posted…What I’m Reading (12.26.22)
I love the week in between the years. such a special magic in those days. I always wished it would have a couple more days.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I had a lovely Christmas, and I hope you did as well. I would tell you that I am grateful for the rain we are having today, as California has been in a very serious drought for far too long. I would tell you that I am glad you took time off from work, and that I hope when you go back to work in January, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
J recently posted…Friday Thoughts
So glad to hear that your Christmas was a good one. Yes we do hear it here in Germany too, that California really is struggling with draught. So glad it rained some. Hopefully the reservoirs fill up enough during the winter months.
I am already feeling very much more relaxed and hope it will stay for a few more weeks/months into the new year.
Way to go for setting those professional boundaries, reiterating them, and sticking to them! Honestly, better to mention them a couple times so that people get it than have people NOT get it and try to bug you when you’re off.
Yes, definitely better to mentioned it and bother a few people than being called. It still made me feel awkward in the moment but over all I was proud I did set those boundaries.
If we had a coffee date … I would tell you how happy I am that you like the mug. I struggled to find the right one ’cause I used to go to certain places in CA, knowing I will for sure find one for the Secret Santa Mug Swap and one (or two) for myself. Still trying to find my way around here and places to buy great mugs.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year and a successful 2023.
Yes, I really like it. I even ditched my usual coffee jar for this new mug on occasion. But it will be mainly used for tea and hot cider.
I bet it is tough to get reacquainted here in Germany. I’ve only been away for a year but it took me almost as much to feel home here aging. You’ve been abroad so much longer. I truly hope you will mage to feel home and less lonely and homesick.
Oh, I loved your coffee date check-in (even if I am catching up late). So happy you enjoyed the pre-holiday season by wrapping up client work early, crafting with your niece and nephew and bing-watching holiday movies. I love it :)
And I am so happy that you received such a lovely package from your ‘not-so-secret’ Santa :) Everybody sent really nice surprise packages this year (I’ll post a round-up soon!).
Yes my Secret Santa was so fun. Loved it.