I am so glad we can meet again this month. It is such a wonderful way to have a sneak peak in everyones life and meet new people. And I am really grateful Lecy is hosting month after month.

If we had coffee…
I’d tell you about my endeavor to blog daily in November. It’s been something I have been doing for a couple of years now – thanks San. It’s always a bit of a stretchy but it gets my creative juices flowing. How often do you blog on a regular basis and did you ever blog daily?
And then right with my next breath I would have to admit defeat already on Day 9. Unfortunately I have gotten myself a tennis elbow and now I need to reduce my computer and phone scrolling time to max. 2 hours a day. With work picking up, Christmas presents to be found and all I am scrambling. So the NaBloPo had to fall to the wayside. Unfortunately.
If we had coffee…
I’d wanted to know if you remember November 9, 1989. Here in Germany we celebrated the 30 year anniversary of the fall of the wall. Lot’s of people are coming forward to talk about their experience and how that day had been branded in their minds. I have told my story five years ago when the 25 anniversary was celebrated. To this day my body gets a bit queasy and shaky. I am so grateful for everyone back then risking life and livelyhood to demand change.
If we had coffee…
I’d tell you that my sister and I will again volunteer for Christmas in a shoebox. We’ll be packing boxes to be sent to children in need and who would otherwise not be able to get a present for the holidays. I look forward and can see this becoming a tradition. I wrote about last years experience. Also I will pack one or two boxes myself. Not quite sure but I need to get it done soon. Do you do any volunteer work? Is it a regular thing?
If we had coffee…
I’d wonder if you had any good books to recommend that are Christmas themed. I want to make the most of the holidays. Last year I read my favorite “Christmas Carol” by Dickens but I am sure there are similar ones that I don’t know about. My dad used to read us Christmas stories on Christmas Eve after all presents were unpacked and we were in a food coma. I kinda miss that and picked up the habit to find my own stories and read one Christmas themed one every year.
So much for now. My arm hurts quite bit now and I need to rest with an icepack. Let’s meet up next months and I will be more talkative then – hopefully.
See you
Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog from the coffee Link-up.
I do remember that fateful day in 1989. Granted I was 8 years old and mildly remember the images but they are in my brain and I did understand the significance even back then.
I absolutely love volunteering. My mom and I used to volunteer for our rescue mission Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and it was so fulfilling. Unfortunately I have too many clients that also participate so I do not do that anymore. I try my hardest to avoid as many dual relationships as possible. I also volunteer or sit on numerous boards and committees in my town. I walked off a job when a (male) boss told me I would not amount to much. In doing so I did not have a job lined up so I volunteered my time and went to school.
And books… my dad used to read to us… we would scooch all of the presents out of the way on Christmas Eve and slide our heads under the tree. He used to read us a story called Juniper-per-per and it was originally published in the newspapers. I have scoured high and low for the pieces to complete the story now that I am an adult. I want to say last year I got it complete and made copies for my sister and I. Granted finding mine now is another story.
I hope your arm starts to feel better. Ailments are not fun.
Thank you Brittany for your comment and lovely stories. I much appreciate it. I can totally understand not wanting clients to see a certain side of you or to cross pass in your free time. Someone told me once your can’t be friends with everyone but friendly you can always be. It’s great to hear that other dads also read on Christmas. And thank you so much for sharing your memories of November 9th. I was 7 back then and it’s amazing how much you remember and what details are forever grained in your brain.
I used to do Blogtember, which is blogging every day in the month of September. I was never any good at it because I always forgot to post. I’m sorry to hear that you are having to slow down because of your elbow. Hope it feels better soon. I remember watching them tear the wall down on television. It was an exciting event, even though I was only ten years old. I love that you guys are volunteering for Christmas. I always enjoy finding opportunities to help those who are less fortunate, especially kids. It’s been a while since I’ve read a good Christmas-themed book. I usually watch all the holiday movies every year. I’m so glad you were able to join the coffee date this month, Tobia. Hope to see you next time! :)
Lecy | A Simpler Grace recently posted…If You and I Had Coffee | vol 41
Thank you Lecy. And thanks for sharing your thoughts. I also watch as many Christmas movies I can fit in. And just started last year with some volunteer work as I had a very good year after many crappy ones I felt it’s time to give back.
I try to blog 3x per week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I feel like “daily blogging” is hard and I prefer quality over quantity, to be honest, however, NaBloPoMo is always fun…. and don’t feel bad that you didn’t blog every single day, I think the fact that this challenge got your creative juices flowing is fantastic enough!
Yes it definitely always does get creativity a spark. So being slowed down is hard. And definitely agree with quality over quantity.
P.S. I LOVE that china…. I inherited a set from my great-aunt (and it’s sitting in a box at my parents’ house right now).
Inheriting something special is priceless. I wouldn’t know where to put that in my house but it’s cute in other places. This was at my godmothers when I went for tea and we caught up in person after almost 20 years.
Tennis elbow can be a painful and frustrating condition to deal with. It is often caused by repetitive motions, such as playing tennis, but can also be caused by other activities like using a nail gun or typing on a keyboard for long periods of time.
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