Another months staying home – another month reading lots. Or did you spent lots of time walking outside? Have you been too unfocused to read and dive into other worlds and listen to new stories? I had some days where I really couldn’t focus and reading was a chore. But In the end it was another very successful month and I want to share my finds and the books I read in May. Let’s go:
Eisiger Kerker by Bernadette Calonego | ★★★★⭐︎
What’s it about: Calista Gates, Detective from Vancouver is transferred to the deepest end of Labrador after an assault to her life and to give her a chance to fight her way back to the force. For er it feels a bit like being shipped to the end of the world. But an old case is re-opend when body shows up. Another one soon follows and investigation starts.
What I thought: I am not usually drawn to crime books but this is the third one by this author and all of them had me hooked from the beginning. I could not tell who the murder was until the last few pages and not a real suspicion could be formed as more and more was revealed. Still it was not too farfetched and believable while shedding a light on the live in the outback of Labrador.
Language: German also available in English
Recommend to: Everyone liking a good crime book, loving the Canadian outback and isn’t afraid of snow and tough people.
Idaho by Emily Ruskovich | ★★★★⭐︎
What’s it about: A family in rural Idaho. Or rather the rest of a family that was ripped apart by a tragic event. The struggle to keep on living and trying to fit in. To live with the shadow and find some humanity in all of it.
What I thought: All the thoughts and then none… this book left me speechless… no wordless. It is beautifully written and has an own flow almost like a song. And it is a book your really can’t read fast. Not sure why that is but it simply doesn’t work. I caught myself multiple times forming the words completely while reading. The story itself is interesting and kept me reading trying to understand the family. I struggled a bit with the immense number of POVs and the many time jumps. Despite many other reviews I believe the end is fitting this book perfectly. It underlines what this book tried to do.
Language: English
Recommend to: Everyone loving poetic literature, likes reading family portraits and lifes that are intertwined and has a love for the Idahoan landscape.
Resilienz: Seelische Widerstandskräfte stärken by Brigitte Dorst | ★★★★⭐︎
What’s it about: Stress, anxiety, quarrels – some burdens throw you off course entirly. But others handle it surprisingly well. Is there a secret to it? In psychology there is the term resilience meaning mental resistance. A strength to balancing tough life situations. This book explores it’s scientific meaning and offers some hands on exercises to find inner balance and strengthening your resilience.
What I thought: The first half of the book gives an overview of what resilience is from a scientific point of view. Also some historic aspects and different point of views. It then explores the possible life situations where people might reach the end of their mental strengths aka resilience. The second half of the book is focused on how images and symbols can help overcome a tough situation. This part has a lot of different exercises to work through. The varariety caters to all kinds of perosnalties – from meditation to a more hands on approach with list making. Throughout the book you find references, quotes and poems.
Language: German
Recommend to: Wanting to learn about the human mind, who is into personal development and who is struggling with heartaches in life.
This book was sent to me by the publisher. The review and my opinion remains my own.
Sterne sieht man nur im Dunkeln by Maike Werkmeister | ★★★★⭐︎
What’s it about: A grieving husband is handed a box of tapes from his late wife which he listens to every Sunday night for 29 weeks.
What I thought: while the concept itself is nothing new it was a story I didn’t quiet except to develop like it. It was not the fast paced telling. It was not overly melancholy and sad. It just peeled back layer upon layer of a 30+ marriage with ups and downs. There were moments where I wondered if I was a bit too young for this kind of book but I still enjoyed it.
Language: English – also translated to German
Recommend to: everyone you likes to read a solid novel without teenage drama and realistic takes on life.
Spirit Woman & Fire Woman by Zara Quentin | ★★★⭐︎⭐︎ & ★★★★⭐︎
What’s it about: Family feuds, epic quests and the search for the stolen Dragon God to save the hurting people on planet Prymeth. In Fire Women and the final part of the trilogy we take the fight back to Taraq and Uncle Z.
What I thought: It was a lovely adventure to dive into and kept me well entertained. I was looking forward to seeing more of the planets and meeting more creatures. However it did not engage me as much as the first book. The third one was a bit stronger again, introduced yet another new world and shed some light on old characters. Overall a good series and fun to read.
Language: English
Recommend to: Fantasy lovers looking for a new universe of worlds to dive in inhibited by creatures between fairies and dragons.
Die Stille meiner Worte by Ava Reed | ★★★⭐︎⭐︎
What’s it about: Hannah lost her words after her twin sister lost her life. But she still has many thoughts. She is writing them down and sends them to her sister. But silence is still all around her and she can not escape. Or can she?
What I thought: I was hooked by the topic of a non-speaking girl because of a trauma she experienced. The overall story was easy to read and entertaining. The beginning didnt really flow for me and I had the feeling certain thoughts were overly repeated which was almost annoying me. The final threads of the story felt rushed to me and a bit unrealistic. I think the whole idea could have been better executed. However I enjoyed it.
Language: German
Recommend to: Everyone wanting a quick YA novel that goes beyond the classic girl meets boy story and has some depth to it.
Things we never said by Nick Alexander| ★★★⭐︎⭐︎
What’s it about: When suddenly a lot of new opportunities present itself to Anni she feels overwhelmed. And trapped in her life. She needs a break from her everyday time routine. The postcard from an old friend running a café on a island is the perfect opportunity to spend a few weeks on the coast and clear her head. But past is catching up, old wounds are re-opened and life put into perspective.
What I thought: Now when you read the synopsis you might think “read it a few times before, nothing new”. I tint expect much when picking up this novel but was pleasantly surprised. It is not the standard romance – it is more grown up. More real. More true-to-life. It was a quick and enjoyable read with an ending you might not expect.
Language: German
Recommend to: Everyone loving a good beach read, some romance and friendship without being cheesy.
Boarderline by Andreas Brendt | ★★★⭐︎⭐︎
What’s it about: Young student Andi needs a break and decides to spent all his savings to a trip to Bali. Here he is introduced to surfing. A passion he can not leave behind. Life goals are shifting and the next surfing trip becomes the thing to strive for. It takes him all over the world, lets him make friends and meet shady people. Only to realize it can get quiet lonely and there might me more to life than surfing.
What I thought: It took me two tries to read this book. I was definitely not the target group for this book. I found the main character not very likable. It focuses a lot on surfing, drugs and living in the moment. But really more in an egoistic kind of way? It painted a lifestyle I am not very interested in. However I wanted to learn more about surfing and the book delivered that. It is very focused on that. Talks about waves, ocean and the different spots. I also liked that with all the easy peasy surfer lifestyle there were some deeper thoughts peppered in about finding your self and questioning a few things in life.
Language: German
Recommend to: Everyone loving the surfer lifestyle, trying to break out of “normality” and looking for a fun way to dive into this lifestyle.
This book was sent to me by the author. The review and my opinion remains my own.
Now let me hear about your favorite book of may in the comments. Always looking for stacking more books to my TBR. Also let’s be friends on Goodreads if you like.
Happy reading