Could you tell I was missing from the blog world for a bit? Real life needed to be lived. Lots of stuff going on and so the blog fell a bit to the way side. I am hoping to catch up on some blog reading and blogging over this weekend. I’ve missed you my friends. And what better way to get back into blogging and hanging out is a virtual coffee date where I can tell you about the things currently happening and keeping me busy? It’s been a minute since we met for our last virtual coffee date.
If you and I had coffee…
…I tell you that I just came back from my job engagement down in France. I was invited to a river cruise on the Rhone if I take pictures along the way. Already mentioned that in my magic June post. And I will write a little recap post later – promise. For now let’s just say it was intense. On so many levels. It was my first ever cruise. It was my first ever photo job (if you don’t count my sisters wedding, my constant social media photo productions or the trade fair where I produce content at). Ok, now thinking about it, it is not entirely true as I also was hired for an author portrait for a published book. But what I wanted to say is that this one felt big. Not only was I supposed to do it eight days straight but also the company’s CEO was traveling along side. And it was my childhood friend who got me on board so I wanted to make her proud. I put a lot of pressure on myself. Before and during and after. I wanted to be perfect – which is ridiculous.
Anyhow I can proudly say I did a great job – and it doesn’t happen too often that I say so myself. Coming home after being introduced to everyone for a week as “the photographer” I feel like the term is legit. I thought of myself as a photographer by the end. This whole trip did wonders to my skills. I learned quickly where I lack experience but I saw where my strength lies. I had to step out of my comfort zone and I realized I have outgrown my current equipment.
If this feels like bragging I am very sorry. I just feel I need to conserve the feeling for myself because doubting times will come again and then I can re-read and retrace that feelings.
Are you familiar with this feeling? Of being proud of an achievement? Of loosing that confidence too quickly and burying it under all the self doubt?
If you and I had coffee…
…I have to confess that I went on a really really bad shopping spree. Recently I bought so so many clothes. I started tracking my spendings in an excel sheet because I had lost control of the money I was throwing out left and right. Honestly though, it felt good. I am not a big spender when it comes to clothe. And I am wearing my things until they fall apart. I rarely give something away because I don’t like it anymore. And my wardrobe wasn’t really equipped for hot summer weather (still a winter girl here. Hi!). I guess I will make use of these clothes in Germany too since it’s getting hotter and hotter now.
Can you tell I felt like I need more colors in my life?

If you and I had coffee…
…I just need to tell you the story that kept Berlin on the toes for the past 24 hours. During the night from Thursday to Friday there was a sighting of a lioness in the suburbs of Berlin. Police, fire fighters and rangers combed through the forest but could not find any trails or sightings. On Friday there was an all-clear and experts said that in the video a wild boar is being seen. Honestly I have seen boars. And this video really doesn’t seem like one. But I also find it unbelievable that a lioness is roaming the woods. And we don’t have mountain lions in Germany… So this was some entertainment.
If you and I had coffee…
…I have to vent to you about trying to figure out something through a support hotline or chat bot. Simple question and then a long answer that is not even remotely helping. I’d rather have the person tell me she/he doesn’t know than repeating the same guidebook answer over and over. I called to solve the problem quickly. I didn’t want to read myself through FAQs and what nots. Well, hours later I found out what I needed but wasted a tone of time. So annoying.
And since we are into venting… I bought a lens on eBay – I know I was really really hesitant but then jumped the gun since I could not get it anywhere else. When it arrives I took it out of the packaging wondering why it is making a clacking sound. It seems to work somewhat though. But when I took sample images and compared them to the other lens I ordered I realized it is the same lens. So that eBay guy put a smaller lens in a box for the more premium lens… WTF. When I filed a complained he said that when you look at the pictures you could see. Yes you could see the packaging of the premium one and some blurry numbers on the lens. Once you knew it was identifiable. Man… ever since I am trying to get my money back. That guy just doesn’t respond. Today I filed a complain with eBay. Fingers crossed that I will see those 100€ again.
If you and I had coffee…
…I share that I will need to find a new assignment from October on as my current engagement at the terminal operator in the port of Hamburg will not continue the project for many reasons. And after three and a half years I am looking forward doing something different too. At the same time it is rather comfortable to know what is expected, know the company in and out and making “easy” money. But I am a freelancer for a reason so I am also a bit excited to re-invent myself and get other insights. However that means I need to update my portfolio and catch up on the things I have been neglecting for the past years. So, busy August ahead.
If you and I had coffee…
…I have to whine about running out of space. I mean literally anywhere. My apple cloud is at capacity, my laptop is running on –earlier this week 300MB – now 12 GB. I couldn’t even do an update today. My Evernote app is running out of storage and so does my webspace for the blog. Oh and I need to mention my phone and my Adobe cloud. See a pattern here? I should delete but I have been doing so for weeks and I really don’t know what else to get rid of. I create for a living. It is a struggle. Workflows, best practices and solutions are welcome.
Alright so much for my current update on what kept me busy these last few weeks.
Have you ever done a cruise or maybe even a river cruise? Any crazy animal sightings in your neighborhood lately? How is your luck when buying on eBay of Craigslist, been fooled yet?What would you want to share over coffee?
Your cruise project sounds amazing! Good for you — it is so satisfying and fulfilling to take on a project and to feel so accomplished with the product. Congrats!
A lioness?!?! Wow! So funny that they think it was instead a boar (or are trying to get people to believe that…).
I have never been on a cruise before. I really don’t like the water and I think I would stress about the boat capsizing the entire time.
It was a wonderful experience even though it was overwhelming at times. I am not sure that boat could have capsized. It was so big and there are so many waves on a river. But if you don’t feel comfortable on water it’s probably not a relaxing experience. The lioness was a fun spectacle. The video didn’t look like a boar though. And it was made by a random person put on social media and only then the authorities started looking for a lioness. Experts always said it is most likely not. I guess media made it a lioness.
I’ve never bought anything on Ebay! I feel like I’m missing access to lots of great things, but I’m always too lazy to try it out. Maybe that’s a good thing?
Wow – what an intense period of time for you with work, but glad you’re “living life.” Love all the pops of colour in your wardrobe <3
I’ve been able to get some good deals on eBay but usually use it more to sell. Luckily eBay refunded me. Yes it’s been busy here and I hope the second half of the year will slow down a bit.
Living a colorful life right now when opening my closet. Love it.
That river cruise sounds like an incredible experience, even if it was challenging at times – you should be proud of your achievement! I’m in need of some new clothes too (my clothes are also falling apart and most of my current clothes are maternity wear!) And I agree with you on finding support hotlines annoying, especially when I’ve had to be on call for 40 minutes to even speak with someone. I hope you find another good assignment when your current one finishes up. Lovely to have coffee with you today, Tobia!
Thank you Bella. The cruise was really amazing. It’s nice to have some new clothes to pick from. Hope you find something you like too for reasonable prices.
Ah those hotlines… closely followed by email support. So exhausting
Wow, so much happening in your world, friend.
Congrats on the photographer job on the cruise. You should be proud of how you felt like a real photographer at the end ( but you know how they always say, if you put one foot in front of the other, you’re a runner? Well, if you take photos, you’re a photographer… ;) but I know that you have high expectations of yourself and I relate to the “imposter syndrome feelings”.
I heard about the story of the lioness in Berlin. I still don’t know what to make of it.
Re: the storage problem, I would either invest in more cloud storage – or, probably a cheaper solution – buy an external hard drive and start archiving there.
Thank you San.
Yes. that imposter syndrome… I heard an interesting speech about it saying it is a manmade term that wants to keep women down. same as the hysteria term that was invented so that men would get a hall pass when women were upset. I have to see if I can find that speech. Anyway, I know what you are saying and I am also not immune to the (imposed or not) imposter syndrome so it was a nice feeling to actually realize I am thinking of myself as a photographer.
That lioness story is the weirdest. There are so many memes out now with showing boars and talking about lions.
Ah the storage issue… I have about 5 or 6 hard drives for outsourcing and back-up so I feel like I’ve been down that road and it’s not feasible anymore either. I guess I really do need to see about more cloud storage and have the added expenses – at least for work related things.
I am so glad that the river cruise was such a success! Why is it so hard for us to brag? BRAG! You did an amazing job and you should be proud of yourself, and let it build your confidence.
My thought regarding the lion (weird thought) is that maybe some weirdo had it as an exotic pet (illegal of course) and it got too big and they let it go. We have mountain lions here in California, but I’m guessing that they are not native to Germany?
Regarding your clothes…that’s a hard one, right? Sometimes you need to invest in new clothes, you need to look good and feel good. And yet we all have our budgets to consider as well. I’m glad you got some new things, though.
My stupidest eBay experience (not saying yours was stupid, and I am so glad that you got your money back!) is that LONG ago, I found a small painting that I liked, but it clearly had a flaw. I somehow decided that it had to be an error, that the painting would be perfect. So I bought it. Surprise, when it came, it looked exactly like the photo. I didn’t try to return it or get my money back, because that one was all on me.
No there are no mountain lions in Germany. The authorities checked with any lion owner and none was missing so that was a big mystery. In the apparently it wasn’t one.
It is nice to have some new clothes. It feels a bit like dress up when you take it out for the first time and combine it with old stuff.
I know, why is it so so hard to be proud. And own our skills. It’s not even about bragging really. But I am doing a better job and start saying that I am feeling very accomplished and happy with the result. Ao I guess I am getting better.
Tobia, what a wonderful experience on that cruise! I am so glad you now own your photography and take (well-deserved) pride in it. I need to see more – so point me in the right direction, please! :)
I hope the search for a new contract goes well. I suspect your skills make you sought after and I also suspect it will be interesting and maybe a bit fun to try something new?
(Speaking of which, lovely clothes. I am not a color person myself, but I imagine it suits you well. :>)
Thank you Anne. I still haven’t finished writing that post about the cruises felt like reading and relaxing this weekend.
It is a good feeling owning it and being proud. As I said I just hope I remember once the doubt hits again.
I usually only wear blues as my color and sometimes a muted rose or coral in summer. Most my clothes are black, white, gray so buying so many colors felt adventurous
Hi Tobia, I am Daria- a new reader. I came to your blog through San’s blog.
I love these types of posts and will use this prompt with your permission: a virtual coffee date. How cool! A great way to catch up and get things off my chest.
If you and I had coffee, I would introduce myself and tell you that I was born in Russia but live in the US (20+ years). My state is New Jersey. I am married with two small kids: 3.5 and 5.5 years old, a boy and a girl. I teach Spanish in high school here in NJ and really love what I do. Been teaching for 19 years. The end of August is an exciting time for me- back-to-school time. I am slowly getting my lessons and classroom ready, feeling that fresh energy of new beginnings. My daughter is going to kindergarten this fall and my son- preschool.
I write at if you wish to follow along sometimes.
Welcome to my blog Daria. How wonderful to meet you. Yes please go ahead and invite us for a virtual coffee date. It is aa prompt I have borrowed from Lecy who is not doing it anymore. I will sure visit your blog.