Hello again,
since I have quite a few people stopping by who have not visited before I figured why not share my most beloved blog posts I have written in the last 4+ years. And I am not talking about the posts that got read the most or were comment on. No today I share the ones that are dear to my heart and might have fallen short.
1. Gärten der Welt | Gardens of the World
This post took me forever to write. It was the first one where I did intense research. And it was fun. I wanted to make my readers fall in love with the gardens too. The first time I visited the gardens were one a photo course. Unfortunately my camera didn’t work (it was still analog). Years later I took a day vacation by myself to visit them again. This is when this pictures where shot. I’ve been there a couple time more since then. This year the gardens were part of the International Garde Exhibition (IGA 2017). Read the full post here.
2. Snowball Tutorial
This is my favorite tutorial I posted. Not only because it was par of my wedding decoration and I made like a gazillion (as you can see in this photo) but because I do think it is a truly unique idea. I know it sounds a bit full of myself… sorry. Read the full post here.
3. Blueberry Cream Cheese Cake
I love this post because it is dear to my heart for many reason. It is a treasured story I shared and that inspired me to bake this cake. What i didn’t know was that it was the last birthday I got to spend with my grandpa. And another reason: The recipe is a puzzle from many different ones that I combined to a new one. So something I created. Read the full post here.
4. Bridal Bouquet Jewelry
I knew what to do with my bridal bouquet after the wedding well before I was engaged. Other girls know what the day will look like and I have the DIY planned out. I guess thats how I roll. I am so glad I did because now I always have some cute reminder. Read the full post here.
5. Advent Wreath Love
Ok now this one is a substitute for all my wreaths I have made. I simply love them all. The all had a time and place. They all were made with love. Unfortunately I didn’t take photos of all and some were rather crappy. So here is a french knitted one I did last year. Read the full post here.
6. Sleeping in a ice hotel and riding with huskies & reindeers
This is one of the travel posts I wrote. And it is jam packed with adventure. Finland alone is great, Honeymoon is pretty cool too. Meeting huskies and reindeers and going for rides, sleeping in ice hotels and glass igloos jus leaves me speechless. Read the full post here.
7. Things I learned job hunting
I believe this post to be very helpful. And I was writing it when going through a really crappy time. Hoping I didn’t have to be on my own in this situation, hoping something good was coming out of it if I can just support one other person with my experience. Read the full post here.
8. Thoughts about my Personal Style
I usually don’t write about this kinda stuff but I came about a blog post and could not stop thinking about if I have a style. Why I often felt so insecure when it came to outfit choices. It made me observe myself for the better part of 6 months and in the end this post was written. Read the full post here.
9. Epic Fails
I wasn’t sure if I wanted or should post this one. I mean it was so NOT what everyone else was writing about on World Baking Day. But I was kinda annoyed by all the shine and glam. I mean everyone probably had some crazy kitchen disasters. I even uploaded some photos. Read the full post here.
10. Fascination of Sorbian Easter Eggs
I have a weird fascination with craftsmanship and the art of creating easter eggs with the wax tecnique definitely falls in this category. I recently re-discovered it and shared my humble beginnings. I tried to write a long tutorial for everyone attempting to try it too as it is a rather regional art. Read the full post here.
I have to admit, going back it was really hard to pick my most beloved ones. Lots of memories came back. But I guess those where the ones I could really name without looking at the blog.
Now leave me a link to your most beloved so that I can check it out.
Happy Wednesday,
Oh that is a great post idea… sometimes our old posts get forgotten, but they were so good! Thanks for sharing your favorites again… I have to check them out (and I think I do remember a few of them).
San recently posted…8: A Day in the Life
Hey San, yes I guess you of all people have read most of them. Thanks for being such a loyal blog reader.