Two years ago I shared 10 Things You Don’t Know About Me. Are you in for round two? I figured it’s a fun way to introduce myself to my new readers and maybe surprise anyone, you, who is coming over on a regular basis.
1. I am a winter girl.
There used to be a time when I said I like either summer or winter but not really the in-between seasons – even though they have their beauty. Well that changed. Mainly because I developed a mean migraine which comes out most during summer. Now it is mainly winter. Well it would probably be winter, spring, summer, fall. But as I said I love the seasons and wouldn’t want to live anywhere where they don’t exist. Take a guess when I got married.
2. I am fascinated by tortoises.
Since I have been 5 years old I dream of having one as a pet. But somehow I don’t believe I could provide a lovely home.
3. I am a non-smoker.
I have never smoked in my life. Not once. I just never had the urge. I am glad I don’t think I missed anything and I saved a ton of money.
4. I don’t like riding backwards.
When riding a train I don’t like sitting backwards. I might get sick but more importantly I don’t want to look into the past. I wanna see the future! Weird? Maybe.
5. I was very athletic and competitive.
I used to play semi professional volleyball for about eight years. I also was a referee for 5 years or so. I stopped when starting to work. I just needed my weekends to recharge and 8-12 hour game days were just tough. I miss it though.
6. I love apples.
But ever since I had a Pink Lady apple I don’t like the other sorts. It really gets tough when I can not buy them due to the season. Like right now. The closest I would eat is Braeburn.
7. I have a thing for cemeteries.
I love the atmosphere there. It’s so tranquil and full of love.
8. I once fell asleep on the lawn in the president’s backyard at Schloss Bellevue.
Fortunately I was not woken up by the security but by a colleague.
9. I am a big dessert fan.
Usually a meal isn’t quite done with a tiny bit of sweet stuff to top it off. Its just not fulfilling. However I don’t ever touch crème brûlée, panna cotta or Bavarian creme. I just hate the consistency. Then I go without dessert.
10. I love to travel.
I have been to 25 countries on 3 continents. I really wish to go to Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, Norway. Well there are more but those are on my travel list the longest.
Well here it was 10 new things you didn’t know about me. Please feel free to share a few things about yourself in the comments or link your post.
Happy day to you,
Hallo Tobia,
sechs dieser Dinge habe ich mit Dir gemeinsam.
Ich verrate aber nicht welche… Nur ein Tipp: es ist nicht Nr. 8! Das ist ja eine echt schöne Geschichte.
Und viel Spaß bei der Blogst! Meine Blogpartnerin Astrid wird auch dabei sein.
Herzliche Grüße
Silvia recently posted…Elizabeth Strout: Die Unvollkommenheit der Liebe
Hihi das ist ja fies, dass du das nicht verrätst. Ich dachte grad ich fragt dich bei der Blogst aber so mhm muss ich wohl anders rausbekommen.
Einen schönen Sonntag dir,
Thanks for sharing. I always love posts like this when I learn something new about a blogger :)
Isn’t it unfair that once you start working, so many great hobbies have to fall by the wayside? I miss playing team sports as well.
Yes I agree. To both things. Love reading those posts and yes to the unfairness of shifting priorities to be an adult.
Hallo Tobia,
ich freu mich sehr darauf, Dich bei der Blogst am Wochenende kennenzulernen! Ich mag Deinen Blog und vor allem diesen Post sehr.
Lieben Gruß,
Hallo Tina,
vielen lieben Dank. Das freut mich sehr.
Sag unbedingt hallo ich bin gerne mal überfordert bei soviel neuen Menschen.
BIs zum Wochenende,