I started my second 101 Things in 1000 days list exactly two years ago. I am having 270 days till time runs out on May 24, 2025 and to make as many checks on my bucket list. I am chipping away at my goals. Maybe not as fast and efficiently as I had hoped as a lot of things are still untouched. But as you know I strongly believe that setting a goal and doing a check in, maybe re-evaluate or pivot or even ditching one goal completely is as valuable as checking something off. Alright let’s have the last goal check-in to my current 101 things in 1000 days bucket list.
Checked goals on the bucket list
I will only share the goals that I managed to cross off in the last 12 months. The previously checked off goals can be seen in my one year check in.
- Number 3: Gain 5% on my portfolio and build up some capital.
I am crossing this one off ahead of time. For months now I have double digit growth percentage. Looking at last year where I barely managed a 3% average this is huge. - Number 12. Update portfolio.
Done so earlier this year in order to get some new clients. May not slack so much on it in the future… (already hear myself laughing…) - Number 13. Get booked for one of my two dream clients.
I am struggling with this one if I should cross it off or reconsider… I don’t think the two dream clients I was thinking off are dream clients anymore. Well, one is but I learned he is not working with freelancers ever. However I did manage to get booked by the hospital which is very close or at least in a similar industry. So I consider this as checked… (and giving myself some slack here.) - Number 14: Have a year with a six digit income (before taxes and expanses). Very proud (of my 2022 tax report) and very helpful considering 2024 isn’t as rosy but it gives me confidence.
- Number 17: Move all desktop files to designated space or delete.
Checked this as of August 27th 2024. Yeah me. I made screenshot to proof it. - Number 18. Have an empty download file.
I crossed this off late 2023 when I got a new computer as I moved all files to the desktop. However August 24th & 27, 2024 I cleaned it out completely for real. And as you can see in number 17 also the parks desk top folder. Double yeah me. - Number 22: Visit three museums. (3/3 – Brücke Museum, Geomuseum, Futurium)
This got done earlier this year with a date day to the Futurium. - Number 31: Try 10 new restaurants in Berlin
Yeah… I did. And I think even more so. - Number 35. Go to professional sports game
Did that with the horse racing on our June Date Day. - Number 41: Get a motorboat license.
This may be the one I am most excited about crossing off. As it almost didn’t make the list as I felt is was a useless goal… And I had it for so long… - Number 50: Participate in the NaBloPoMo at least twice (2/2)
Which doesn’t mean I won’t participate in 2024. I have already some blogposts outlined and ideas I my head. - Number 60: Finish our wedding photo album.
It only took 10 years and appearing twice on my bucket list. This was a Gard one to cross off.
See photos here - Number 62: Participate in the 100 Day Project at least twice.
I did participate but in 2024 I stopped at Day 78 and can’t find any motivation to finish. - Number 69: Have my niece as overnight guest.
This was fun. I asked, she would come again. - Number 72: Do a fashion challenge
I tracked my outfits all through 2023 and I am continuing to do so. - Number 80: Start integrating into new church congregation.
I am crossing this off as I have regular attended our group. I have volunteered in doing the new website and I have gotten to know more people in this congregation than in the one I was 16 years in. - Number 85: Weekly yoga for at least 6 month
This is a surprise as I wasn’t tracking but for the check-in I recounted and realized that ever since February 12th I have been doing yoga at least once a week. So almost 7 months. Yeah me. For not having a routine before 2024 this is something to be proud of. - 89. Watch the clouds for 5 minutes at least 12 times.
Great goal. Try to keep doing it.
In the second year I have completed 18 goals. Six more than last year. Yeah!
Goals in progress on the 101 things in 1001 days bucket list
Things I have been already been working on and have chipped away in getting there:
- Number 1: Re-take first aid course.
I have been looking at providers and course schedules. Cost will be lower than I thought 35€. Currently all that is stopping me is that I don’t want to go on my own. I don’t feel like doing the exercises with someone I don’t know. But no one is interested so I guess I’ll have to do this solo. - Number 7: Track spendings for a month every year.
I am just on schedule. October I’ll track the final one and then cross it off. - Number 10: Sell 50 things. (36/50) including wedding dress.
Sigh… only 3 things sold since last check-in. My ambitious goal to cross it off by early 2024 obviously was a miss. High time to get that going. But I uploaded 27 listings last weekend. Fingers crossed. - Number 23: Explore five ice cream parlors preferably with Mr. ♥.
I checked out three so far. Two with Mr. ♥ and one with my godchild. Will I manage to cross it off this season? - Number 26: See the Aurora Borealis.
I missed the big opportunity when it was happing and was visible here in Berlin… I downloaded an app that informs me. This is out of my hand to be crossed off but here is to hoping. - Number 28. See 5 new places.
I added two new places Mallorca in October 2023 and Tønder in Denmark in February 2024. I am hoping to see Amsterdam before May next year. Not sure what the final place will or could be. - Number 34. Take a trip for our anniversary every year.
Right on track with this one. I can probably book something for February 2025. Should be go to our cabin by the sea again or do something else? - Number 36: Read 200 books and manage to achieve 50% (98 books) of my Read around the World challenge
I have finished 124 books since starting the challenge last year – ebooks and physical copies. I am not counting audio books. I need to read 76 more books wich means 8-9 books per months…
As of now I have read 47 books in my RatW challenge and would need to read 51 more books to make it to 50%.
It is very unlikely I will manage to cross this off. I was very (over)ambitious here. - Number 38: Have no more than 20 unread books on my shelves when this challenge is over.
I started out with 65 books. I am currently counting 90 unread physical books. So I need to read 70 books and not buy a single one to make this goal. Last year there were only 78 unread ones in total. Should I say more… - Number 39: Sleep under the stars.
I fell asleep twice outside waiting for the husband to come home but went to bed then. Does that count? Does it need to be a whole night? Not sure to be honest. May count this as done by the end of the challenge. - Number 40: Do three puzzles with 1,000 pieces.
Right on track. I have one here I didn’t do yet. May save it for my Christmas break or do earlier. We’ll see. But I am confident I’ll cross off this goal. - Number 45: Achieve at least 40% of this list
29,7% are done. - Number 52: Cook a recipe from every cook book I own.
I have made zero progress here according to my tracking. I have just counted the books 27. But I have dropped off two cook books in the local free little library a few weeks ago. So I started out with 29. - Number 56: Take a photo of each letter of the alphabet. Bonus all numbers too.
I recently gathered all images in a folder and was a bit surprised that I am not as far along as I had thought. Time to get cracking… (3/26 & 5/10) - Number 58: Create a new self made calendar at least twice.
I haven’t made one last year. So if I want this crossed of this would be a thing I need to get started on. I have no idea though. Usually I use my 100 day project as a starting point but the drawings don’t make for a good calendar. Maybe I should do one with my black-out poetry? But it might not be printing very well. Mhm… need to think about it. Would you be interested though? - Number 64: Organize a cousins weekend.
I have put some wheels in motion to have a huge family reunion in honor of my grandparents 100th birthday in 2025. I would prolong the cousins gathering for that a year or two. - Number 74: Continue to learn Spanish and achieve a 200 day streak at least once.
I was in a better position last year (on day 71) than I am today and than I lost the streak at day 186… So I am starting out again and am currently at day 36 - Number 75: Learn to identify 10 mushrooms. (1/10)
Well, I learned one (yellow cap – Suillus luteus) the hard way after my body decided that this particular one was edible for everyone but me. My interest took a dive after that. But I am not yet ditching this goal. - Number 83: No chocolate/cake/candy for four weeks each year.
Year one November 2023 done. Year two attempted in February but not followed through. Will do a chocolate/cake/candy November again. May also squeeze in goal 84 here. - Number 88: Loose a couple of pant sizes.
Well I am far off from being two sizes down but I can fit in clothes I haven’t worn for years. And those jeans are getting looser… On track but not sure I will manage by May 2025. However this is a goal I will not force but try to reach in slow slow steps. - Number 90: Manage to sleep more than 6,5 hours on average. (starting out at 6 hours and 3 minutes)
This will be one of the goals that will always need work. I think I managed to be much better in my sleep in general but lately is deteriorating again. - Number 91: Have a Social Media free Sunday once a month 3/4 2022, 6/12 2023, 4/12 2024, x/4 2025)
As last year I have not been following this goal during the 100 day project as I wanted to post and engage on Instagram. I am trying to get back and make an effort. But an effort it is. However I try to leave the phone in my office on Sundays to reduce overall usage. - Number 92: Answer the “50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind“
Half way through the list → Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4, Set 5 - Number 95: Volunteer at Operation Christmas Child every year (2022,
2023, 2024).
I am looking forward to my tradition in 2024 after we had to cancel 2023 last minute and then there were no more lots available. - Number 96: Send 10 holiday cards (Christmas or Easter) every year to lonely elderly people. (2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
Right on track. 5 letters for Christmas 2024 and then 10 for Easter 2025. That is the plan. - Number 97: Donate blood (even though I am scared) and find out blood type.
I looked up where I can do it. Every slot was booked otherwise I would have done it in a spur of a moment. I am a bit scarred to do this to be honest. But I did an online test and it looks like I am eligible as donor. - Number 101. Write a new list.
Don’t judge but yes I am already scribbling down new goals on a list.
Overall I am working on 27 of my goals. That is really cool. A few should be crossed off soon.
Goals to reconsider and new goals in the list
Things change. Priorities shift. Life moves on. Some goals no longer hold magic for me. Some are just impossible to get done. That is why I am changing out the following.
- Number 30: Spent Christmas in a cabin in Finland.
This goal was planned as a family trip. After trying to find people to join us for numerous years I don’t think it will happen. The alternativ to go with my parents over our 10th anniversary also didn’t pan out.
I will change this goal to: Do something Christmasy with the family like visiting a Christmas market or a show.
I love how this is going. I am doing better the second time I am attempting this project. Here is my current summery.
So much about talking you through my goals. Your turn: Do you like goal setting? Do you have a bucket list? Have you ever done a Project Zero or 101 goals in 1000 days? What would be a goal you put on your list. Which goal would you never ever put on a list?
You are making significant progress on your list. Congratulations on your portfolio, that must be satisfying. I have donate blood on my list too, but I’ll probably look at doing this next year once my health issues are settled down. My philosophy with goal lists like this is that you’re sure to have more significant experiences/achievements than if you didn’t make the list at all, so even if you only hit a portion you’re better off than you would have been. You know you inspired me to start my own list, and I’m really enjoying doing it—although it might be because I haven’t touched any of the items that involve sorting and tidying up parts of the house.
Thank you Melissa. It is so great to hear that you are having fun working on your own list.
And I totally agree. Just sitting down and realizing what you want to experience, achieve and work towards is getting a step closer to haven a meaningful and mindful life. I know I won’t make all goals and that is totally ok. Some are very lofty and depend on other people or circumstances I can’t influence.
Wow, this is crazy impressive! I am bad at concrete goal setting. I have a reading goal, and I set a goal to do more yoga and am now doing it more consistently than I ever have. But I could really use consistent goals for piano playing, cooking, social media cleansing, exploring new places close by (we haven’t traveled much with the kids in university, but one is out and working now, so that can happen again), getting rid of stuff. You and Engie are very inspiring in that regard, and I think I will try to write some stuff down and be more methodical.
Your cabin by the sea sounds absolutely heavenly, and it would be hard for me to decide between that and doing something new.
Your wedding album is beautiful!
Thank you Allison.
I bet having family puts a lot of things on hold. Happy you will be able to travel again.
It is always very inspiring and motivating for me to read through goal lists. Not sure what it is about.
I am RIVETED by these posts. I have tried to come up with 101 things and I just can’t do it. LOL. But I love reading about yours so much. You inspired me and I cleaned everything off my work desktop so everything is currently properly stored in its folder! I also considered starting a Read Around the World challenge, but got so far as getting a list of countries and realized I didn’t want to figure out which books go with which country and gave up. You have a lot more perseverance than I do!
Who says you need 101 goals? Why not start with 50 in 500 days? Or 25 in 250 days? Heck, do 25 in 1000 if you like. Make your own rules. Make your own challenge. But the power of a list and chipping away at it is very thrilling.
As for the Read Around the World Challenge. Check out this website: https://readaroundtheworldchallenge.com They basically collect books from all countries and you just pick. I have an advanced difficulty as I want to read books from authors who were born there. But if you do books set in the country I think you have more option. It also has built in trackers and stuff.
Yay you! I remember that you were trying to get motivated to do more yoga, and look, you’re crushing it! I’ve given blood many times, it is kind of gross (I mean, the idea of it for me) but you can save up to 5 lives, which is REALLY satisfying. I had to stop donating about 10 years ago due to rheumatoid arthritis, but I encourage anyone who can to give it a try. I motivated myself by giving myself a treat after, and often a nap because it made me tired, but by the next day I always felt great again.
Amazing on your portfolio, that’s wonderful! And I loved your beautiful wedding album.
I cleaned out my personal email inbox at the beginning of 2023, but it has a million emails in there now (I have no idea how many really, but a million SOUNDS right). I need to clean it out. I sort my emails into folders and save a LOT of them, so it’s not a quick process. BAH.
Arghhhh emails… don’t get me started. This could be on my next 101 list. I would probably need 2000 days though… I have so many accounts. But my server space is slowly running out so I really need to tackle that issue rather sooner than later.
Thank you for the blood donation pep talk. I was thinking about going there by bike. The hospital that does it is 6km (ca. 30 min) away. But now I wonder if I may be too tired and shouldn’t be doing that. I really have no clue.
I wouldn’t…best to have a car, whether you drive or someone drives you. Especially for your first time, you don’t know how you will feel after. You will probably feel fine, but just in case you’re tired or lightheaded or whatever.
Thank you. After reading up a bit more I figured it might not be the best idea. Maybe I need to go to some other place where I can get to with public transport.
Wow, Tobia, this is very impressive! I love reading about your bucket list goals and achievements! But honestly, I could never do it because I’d feel trapped and rebel against it immediately. It works for you, and look at all the cool things you’ve done!
This made me laugh… rebel against it. I guess it is not for everyone but good thing you know this wouldn’t work for you. I did do some really cool things.
This is such an impressive list and I love seeing how much effort you put into all of these different goals. You’re doing an amazing job.
So happy that NaBloPoMo was on that list and thank you for being such a cheerleader and reliable participant in the last few years <3
I find it oddly motivating to see goal lists and reading through them on other accounts. NaBloPoMo is a staple by now.