One year ago I started the second round of my 101 goals in 1000 days. I love a longterm goal setting option. I always know starting, I won’t be able to cross everything off. Some things loose a priority. Some things just aren’t possible – may it be time wise, financially or because other people are involved. However it is important to check-in to my current 101 things in 1000 days. I make it an annual things. And today is the day.
Checked goals on the bucket list
Let’s start with all the goals that have been successfully been crossed of the list.
- Number 9: Organize Christmas Stuff.
This was a fun one and I wanted to do it for so long. I shared a whole post about it. Unfortunately, I didn’t reduce as much as I had hoped.
- Number 20: Explore new neighborhood
This was related to the old new apartment in Berlin Tegel. We did explore as much as we could fit into one year of living there. I also wrote quite a few posts about the neighboordhood:
– Vacation at home part I
– Vacation at home part II
– A stroll through the neighborhood in fall
– Wildlife at my doorstep - Number 42: Leave 5 recommendations in books at the local library.
This was a fun one. It felt sneaky and secretive and I was scared someone saw me. - Number 47: Buy something at a thrift store.
I shared my options in this post. I ended up buying the blue necklace and a watch necklace. - Number 51: Update blog theme.
Yeahhh I did. I still have a tone of ideas on how to improve this space but at least I got started. - Number 55: Make shampoo from scratch.
This was a bit of a disappointment. It was not working for me. I ended up dumping it all. Hence no blog post about it. Anyone has experience with it? - Number 61: Write a poem.
Read it here. - Number 63: Photograph every sunset from the balcony of the lake apartment when being home.
→ see here - Number 65: Host a Friendsgiving.
This was such a fun experience. Not sure we are doing it this year too but I can see us doing it again. Find all about it in this blogpost. - Number 71: Spend a weekend with Mom at the Spa
This was such a wonderful experience. I would redo. - Number 94: Help someone even though it’s not convenient.
I picked up my estranged cousin from the hospital and drove him to a friends house. It was really out of my way and I spend half a day doing so but I could talk with him for an hour and we never talked so much combined before. It was really nice. And we had a deep conversations. - Number 99: Buy food for a homeless.
The husband always says in Germany no one needs to starve there is such a great system in place. And while he is right I still think not everyone is able to take advantage of it.
In the first year I have completed 12 goals. That is four more than in the previous attempt. Yeah!
Goals in progress on the 101 things in 1001 days bucket list
Things I have been already been working on and have chipped away in getting there:
- Number 3: Gain 5% on my portfolio and build up some capital.
Haha, well this one is a bit laughable as it is a rather optimistic goal. I do keep putting money in monthly. So that is a win. Right now it’s at somewhere around 3%. I am playing the longterm game here. - Number 7: Track spendings for a month every year.
I have done so in October 2022. I may do September 2023 as October is a vacation month. But then it’s not really comparable? Thoughts? - Number 10: Sell 50 things including wedding dress.
I am currently at 33 things sold. The wedding dress is cleaned and just needs to be listed. Not counting the clothes I have sent off to a company that is listing them and taking a percentage. I am hoping to cross off this goal early in 2024. Maybe even by end of the year. - Number 12: Update portfolio.
Argh, this one was supposed to be crossed off and then I realized last Friday I forgot some projects. It will be done by end of August though. Additionally I have updated my business website and asked for testimonials. Happy this has made progress. - Number 17: Move all desktop files to designated space or delete.
Haha. Will I get this done? I spend one week sorting and putting things away and it was looking good. Since then… I guess I am starting from scratch. - Number 18: Have an empty download file.
See explanation from 17. - Number 22: Visit three museums.
I went o the Brücke Museum on my birthday. And I have made loose plans to go to another art museum with a friend. I am not counting the museum of cinema in Lyon as I didn’t really look at the exhibition. - Number 28: See 5 new places.
One down – Southern France, will be visiting the Island of Mallorca in October where I’ve never been. Other plans need to be made. - Number 31: Try 10 new restaurants in Berlin
I have almost crossed this off by going to eight new to me restaurants.
I am not counting take-away places. I think I want to cross this off by end of the year. - Number 34: Take a trip for our anniversary every year.
→ Read the 2023 recap
Plans for 2024 are made and need to be finalized. We will go to Finland with my parents where we spent our honeymoon which they gave to us as a wedding present. - Number 36: Read 200 books and manage to achieve 50% (98 books) of my Read around the World challenge
I have finished 47 books since starting the challenge last year – ebooks and physical copies. I am not counting audio books.
As of now I have read 42 books in my RatW challenge and would need to read 56 more books to make it to 50%. - Number 38: Have no more than 20 unread books on my shelves when this challenge is over
I started out with 65 books. I am currently counting 78 unread physical books. So I need to read 58 books and not buy a single one. Upps. I am not sure its possible. - Number 40: Do three puzzles with 1,000 pieces.
One done. This is my treat for Christmas break every year. Let’s hope my sister is gifting me another puzzle. - Number 45: Achieve at least 40% of this list
12% are done. - Number 48 & 50: Continue to blog & Participate in the NaBloPoMo at least twice
This one is going well. Feel free to ask for posts you would like to read. NaBloPoMo is coming up. And I could cross of #50 by December. - Number 52: Cook a recipe from every cook book I own.
I made two recipes so far from two books.Unfortunately I have forgotten which ones. So I may have to restart? First of I have to count my recipe books. - Number 58: Create a new self made calendar at least twice.
Last year I made this freebie. Not sure if and what I do for 2024. Do you enjoy the calendars? I know there are a few downloads but I know of no one having it up. - Number 62: Take a photo of each letter of the alphabet. Bonus all numbers too.
Mhm I would have thought I had made more progress here. I only have a handful of letters done and two numbers. Need to keep it in mind more when I am around with the camera. - Number 62: Participate in the 100 Day Project at least twice.
I have successfully finished one project and documented here. Should I write a blog post about it? - Number 74: Continue to learn Spanish and achieve a 200 day streak at least once.
I have restarted and continuously practiced for 71 days. I am positive I can make it to 200. - Number 80: Start integrating into new church congregation.
When I wrote this it was meant for my old neighborhood. Now I am in the new church. I have made an effort to go to the after church get-togethers to get to know more people. While it was nice I could try to participate more. So its progress. - Number 89: Watch the clouds for 5 minutes at least 12 times. (7/12)
Managed to consciously do this seven times. - Number 90: Manage to sleep more than 6,5 hours on average. (starting out at 6 hours and 3 minutes)
Work in progress. Some days I manage better than others. But I can say it has been am improvement since last year. Not by much but at least in the right direction. - Number 91: Have a Social Media free Sunday once a month 3/4 2022, 2/12 2023, x/12 2024, x/4 2025)
I started out rather good in 2022 and managed to do for 3 out of the four month. One month I managed two Sundays. But then I lost a bit of perspective in the first half of 2023. For one it was because of my 100 day project and the posting and engaging. Which I decided was ok. Now I am trying to get back to it. But I can only confidently cross of two Sundays in 2023. And that is rather pathetic. - Number 92: Answer the “50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind“
I have started but only answered 5 questions so far in this post. - Number 95: Volunteer at Operation Christmas Child every year (2022, 2023, 2024).
I am looking forward to my tradition in 2023. Last year was fun. I need to start collecting small gifts as I come across or find something onsite that would work. - Number 96: Send 10 holiday cards (Christmas or Easter) every year to lonely elderly people. (2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
I sent my 10 cards in 2022 for Christmas. I will sign up again for this year for sure.
Overall I am working on 27 of my goals. That is really cool. A few should be crossed off soon.
Goals to reconsider and news goals in the list
Things change. Priorities shift. Life moves on. Some goals no longer hold magic for me. Some are just impossible to get done. That is why I am changing out the following.
- Number 23: Identify the best ice cream parlor in the neighborhood.
This was aimed towards the last apartment. The little shopping street close by allegedly had the most ice cream parlors in Berlin. Well, not living there anymore.
I will change this goal to: Explore five ice cream parlors preferably with Mr. ♥. - Number 83: No take out for a week for each year (1/3)
Well, a week ended up being not that hard and I lost count. And we have gone back to not ordering so much.
I will change this goal to: No chocolate/cake/candy for four weeks each year. (0/3) - Number 85: Manage to swim all the way to the bridge and back.
I am not living at the water and the bridge is not there anymore as a mark. While I can still go swimming it is not as convenient as it has been before and it is a river now. With traffic. I don’t feel confident doing swimming long distances here.
I will change this goal to: Weekly yoga for at least 6 month
I am hoping to build a habit and get the momentum going - Number 86: Check out the volleyball group and see if I want to join.
This was a group associated with the church community I no longer visit. The new church doesn’t have any sport activities so I won’t be able to swap it out.
I will change this goal: Try stand-up paddling and see if I like it.
I love how this is going. I am doing better the second time I am attempting this project. Here is my current summery.

So much about talking you through my goals. Your turn: Do you like goal setting? Do you have a bucket list? Have you ever done a Project Zero or 101 goals in 1000 days? What would be a goal you put on your list.
I think I briefly considered doing the 101 goals in 1000 days thing, but honestly couldn’t come up with 100 goals. Maybe that’s short-sighted of me!
I have a question about your Read Around the World project. Where did you get your list of countries? What counts as being from the country? The author is from the country? Or it’s set in that country?
It is hard to come up with 100 things. It took me a while. I also read a couple of other lists to get inspired.
As for the read around the world: I took the list from Wikipedia or United Nations regarding the countries. Not sure. I don’t think it’s totally correct anymore but I’m sticking with it.
I am going by author born in the country. So Tolkin counts for South Africa. But besides him I find that this is more authentic than authors living in a country like the US and the write about the country their ancestors are from.
I briefly considered joining you too but wasn’t organized to come up with so many goals.. I am so impressed by your list. How do you keep track? Do you regularly refer to the list to see what is left to do? I think it’s amazing the things you’ve already checked off. I love your little pie chart – you know I am a nerd :)
Yea I frequently refer to the list. For one when I moved forward on a goal but also to reread so I remember. I usually do it monthly when I write my magic month recap so I know if one could go on my plans for the coming month. The first list of the 100 was the taugtest – think it took me around 2 month to fill it. The second was easier since I had a lot more goals to move over and just had to readjust and fill in.
It would be so fun to see you do one.
I love this list of goals, and I’m very tempted to do my own. I do have a running ultimate goals list that I add things to. I’ve been moving some of these to my yearly lists. I have done it once before starting in 2016 and looking back I see I was about 50% successful.
It seems like you are doing some sort of a comparison. 50% is good. I’d love to hear/read more of you are willing to share