We’ve almost had two weeks of the new year so it is high time I wrap up the magic of December in my final post before it is all about shaping happiness for the next twelve months. I have to admit I am not really all too enthusiastic. As I time this I am again sick. Covid finally got me. Sigh. But that doesn’t steel away my magic. So let’s dive right in.
How I incorporated my word MAGIC in December
Let’s see where I came across magic in the past month.
- I (tried hard) to enjoy the magic of the season. It was a bit tough but I managed to find some magical Christmas spirit in the end.
- I spread magic by baking some cookies (on December 23rd but I did it).
- I found magic in going to a Christmas concert in the Berlin cathedral. It was a nice concert just with a brass band.
- I soaked in magic by taking a hot bath with winter smells. So good.
- I read magical Christmas books and closed out the year with wonderful stories.
- I learned magic by finding my word for the year 2024.
- I spread magic by sending out Christmas cards to friends and loved ones and also some new year’s greetings to business contacts.
- I enjoyed magic by looking at our tiny Christmas tree (which is still up while I type this. Opps)
- I spread magic by commenting on 115 blog posts.
A magical image
I was either lucky and skilled enough to capture the magic of the moment my self or I share an image that really spoke to me.

The view over the river one evening when I took a quick walk around the neighborhood. Such tranquility.
Farewell to my magical goals of 2023
Alright now, bear with me. as 2023 came to an end I feel like I need to do a check in about the goals I set for myself last year.
Create Magic
- I will create magic through art.
Overall I think I did a decent job on creating magic.- I participated in the 100 day project, finished it and created 100 black-out poems that I will share on this blog throughout the year as a Wordless Wednesday post
- I created Christmas cards and send those out. .
This can be by taking take part in the100daychallenge, on creating christmas cards, or sharing another freebie calendar. - I also created a lot of content (photos, videos and text) for work. This may not be what I had in mind when setting this goal but it was creative work nevertheless.
- I will create a magical sweater or some jewelry.
This was semi successful. I started a magical sweater that is not done. But I am actually planning on picking it back up this weekend. No jewelry has been done in the past year. But I did make a magical bookmark. - I will create three magical photographies.
This was a bit of a bust. I had planned to pick up the camera more often for personal projects but didn’t. In the end only this image was intentionally created by photographing through broken glass of a phone booth.

- I will create magic by writing.
Also a goal that was only half done. I did participate in NaBloPo but other creative writing has fallend to the wayside due to the move and all things going on.
Find Magic
- I will find magic in daily life.
Walking through life more mindful of magical situations, moments and objects.
This is an area I think I really followed through. I was attentive to find magic in all the strange places even during tough times and desperate moments. I am really hoping to keep the learnings from 2023 and cary them forward into 2024. - I will find magic in books.
Yes. Most definitely managed that – over 100 books. I also read books with magic in the title: Magic Remembered, Magic Reclaimed, Magic Redeemed all by Coralie Moss, The Magician by Rebecca Serle, - I will explore magic.
Mainly in nature and being outdoors by observing wild life, by looking closely at the season and the change, by breathing deeply and staring at the clouds.
Counting this as successful. I went for walks and explored the woods. Found a swamp and some tiny geckos. Soaked up the morning sun and consciously watched the clouds move above me. - I will find magic in transformation.
This is dedicated (again) to my fitness and health levels. And since I need a clearer action plan I put it out here- I will discover the magic of yoga and aim for twice a month.
Managed to that in the last six month and am a bit surprised. - I will enjoy the magic of one detox week.
Didn’t happen. - I will value the magic of a sugar free month.
Did it. Was good. Should do and incorporate it more. - I will walk an average of 6.000 steps each day and appreciate the magic of movement.
Unfortunately not. ended up with 5,420 steps on average in 2023 and 460 steps less than in 2022. So not to proud here. - I will pick up the hula hoop again and do 15 sessions à 15 min and magically manage to keep it up.
HAHAHA. - I will work on my golfing game and enjoy that it is something the husband and I can do together.
This didn’t happen unfortunately as we had the move and then getting settled and by the time there was some space the season was almost over. So postponed to 2024. - I will practice the magic of intuitive eating by giving it a try for at least a week for every quarter.
Big Nope.
- I will discover the magic of yoga and aim for twice a month.
- Overall I made some progress here but I would have wished for more. I did loose weight though and that is a win for sure.
- I will find magic in my closet.
Early in January 2023 I bought a style app on a whim and have been tracking my outfits ever since. For more than 365 days now. It really helped my getting a better grip on my wardrobe and what is stashed and hidden and missing in my closet. I still haven’t catalogued all as I haven’t worn all. Which is a whole other topic. Anyways this was a good thing to do. And I wanted to write a post about my experience too. Anyone interested? Should I still do that?
Spread Magic
- I will pass on magic.
This was meant for sending out cards and letters. I only ended up sending two birthday cards but those were meaningful and were received at the right time. So quality over quantity. A growing list of Christmas cards was added. - I will spread magic by volunteering and donating.
Ahhh this is a bit sad. We didn’t get to do our annual shoe box volunteering as I was sick and my sister started a new job she couldn’t get away and then all volunteer slots on the weekends were booked. I ended up donating the amount of my boxes this year and have already packed the boxes for next year. - I will spread magic by commenting at blogs.
In 2023 I ended up leaving 966 comments on blogs not counting replies on my own. Which also means I read at least the same amount of blog posts as I try to comment on everyone I read unless comments are closed or I really have nothing to say. - I will spread magic by creating magic moments.
Leaving little notes in library books, art pieces at random places, or creating fun pattern at the sea or with stones in the forest for others to find and hopefully enjoy.
Only managed to leave notes in the library.
Hope for Magic
- I will hope for magic when things seem dire.
This is mainly directed at our current apartment situation. I can use all the magic here.
Not sure how to evaluate this. I did hope but it was quickly obvious that we needed to move. I had a hard time acknowledging this and still think it was wrong and that guy should be punished for his a**holeness. - I will believe magic exists in the most unexpected ways.
I know life will throw me curve balls. Here is to believing in magic.
Mhm… tough. Not sure what I was thinking here. But maybe again regarding the apartment we had so much luck. Hour new home is very nice. And it could have been all much more stressful and unfitting. - I will hope for magical sleep in 2023.
Meaning I will track my sleep pattern, try to avoid stressful stretches of time (here is to hoping) and consult a doctor when I have something on paper to show.
Puhhhh. Well, the first half of the year was really bad sleep wise. Specially May, After the move it got better but it is still not good. I didn’t go to a sleep expert but did talk about it with my neurologist. Something that needs to be worked on in 2024.
Learn Magic
- I will educate myself in the magic.
of herbal treatments and natural remedies
Read a couple books. Made some remedies mainly oxymels. Also gathered black berries and some herbs but need to scout my new environment. There are wonderful meadows with lots of herbs unfortunately it is also the meadows people walk their dogs so not an option for harvest. - I will learn more about the history of magic and witchcraft.
I know a little of what happened from school and some interest but there are probably many more layers. Like mainly know about Europe and western beliefs. I am sure there is more. Like voodo. Some asian version.
I did ok here. I read a book on voodoo. I read a few articles but didn’t do as much research as I had hoped for. - I will learn more about the magic of video making.
At heart I am a photography person. However video has some magic in it and for work it becomes more and more important. So my goal is to be open minded and try to make more videos, challenge myself and learn by recreating at least three videos that are inspiring.
Yep. Gotten much better. Mainly through work. Didn’t feel like dabbling in it on my free time. Many ideas though. And I am far from being a video wizard. - I will learn one magic trick with cards.
This is random. I have no clue about magic tricks but it could be a good skill to possess.
Didn’t even attempt this one. - I will experience the magic of speaking Spanish.
At times I did good, than I slacked. Towards the end of December I failed and lost my streak.
Enjoy Magic
- I will enjoy the magic of being with loved ones.
And truly listening to their stories and being attentive in the situation. Connection and real people are magic.
pfff can you measure that somehow? I guess I can always do better here. I tried through. - I will enjoy the magic of pain free/migraine free days.
Migraines will always be a part. So I will enjoy every pain free day. This does not count for sore muscles I gladly enjoy that pain.
Every day not spend with a migraine was more than welcome. Specially after migraine day I was very much realizing this. Overall I had 321 migraine free days (making it 44 migraine days) but I sure missed tracking some days. - I will enjoy the magic of new things I spend money on.
Often enough I buy something and then don’t appreciate it much more. I want to enjoy the magic of owning something new more, deeper, longer.
Yes, I think I did good here. Specially with all the new clothes I have bought. I really enjoyed wearing those and saying so out loud or to myself. I didn’t bye many things for myself besides that. Mostly things that I needed and for the apartment. Ok, I did splurge on books this year and I did enjoy those. - I will enjoy the magic of minimalism.
To do that I need to do some decluttering (I set the months of February to that) and dedicate the month of March to a no-spend-month. I will also try to sell at least 10 items on eBay.
I did send quite few things on eBay and I am rather sure it was more than 10 things. Didn’t do a no spend month. - I will enjoy the magic of time in the bath tub.
Knowing it is a luxury in current days with energy prices, sustainability reasons and such. For that I reduce my initial Sunday bath time to once a month.
YES. Not as often as in previous years as I was conscious of water and heating bills but when I did I enjoyed them.
How I will SHAPE life and happiness in January
Now on to new chapters and shaping life in 2024. Here are my plans for January.
I will shape my health and body by
- doing 30 jumping jacks each day.
- doing yoga every week.
- getting 6,000 steps in every day.
I will shape my life and happiness by
- being attentive and find happy moments and nuggets of magic.
I will shape my mind and soul by
- reading and noting down quotes about shape.
- seeing shapes in the wild.
I will shape my relationships by
- listening attentively.
- reading and commenting on blogs.
- meeting a book club friend in Munich.
I will shape my home by
- listing things on eBay.
Ok now… this has gotten a bit out of hand. Sorry. I guess I could have done the wrap up separately but I just wanted to get it all done and move on to 2024.
What was magical to you in December? Did you write a goal wrap up post for 2023? Do you have plans for January?
Wow! That was ambitious! I know what you mean about it getting out of hand, I find the same problem with book review posts – how many categories do I include? Do I stop now, when it’s too short, or keep going and have it be too long?
That was a really cool range of goals on a central theme. Looks like you accomplished a lot of it, and for the ones that didn’t happen, that’s why there’s a new year. That picture of the view across the river is so beautiful, and I love the bookmark. Sucks that you didn’t get to pack the box, but nice of you to donate anyway.
Oh yes sometimes it is just all piling up. Those thoughts and ideas. Book reviews. I try to keep it shorter but it is not always working.
That river in the night is so peaceful and lovely. Truly magical.
I love my word Magic bit now it is off to embracing SHAPE. Which will be a harder thing but here is for trying.
I think Magic was a wonderful choice for your Word of 2023! Looking for and striving for magic means that you’re sure to find some – and you did! Wishing you all the best as you SHAPE life and happiness in 2024!
Thank you Michelle. Magic really was a strong word and rather easy to incorporate. Two weeks in Shape is a bit more difficult but I will get there. It will be different.
Thank you for cheering me on.
I loved your word “magic” for 2023 and you really embraced it. That first photo truly captured some magic (great shot!).
Now we’re more than half way through January already and I am wondering how your new word (shape) feels for you. I know you’re still sick and I hope you are on the mend soon.
Incorporating my word is tough when being sick. Not gonna lie. I feel like I’ve lost the momentum before it took off so I really hope once I am well again I can find some sort of groove and start shaping 2024.